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Suddenly, yn heard a door opening sound. She didn't lift her face up, but a moment later she was compelled to do so by a voice.

"Yn !?", Yoongi spoke in a soft tone.

Yn's crying paused for a moment as she slowly lifted her head up. A clear sign of concern was visible on yoongi's face as his brows were frowned out of worry. He gulped as he glanced at her state.

"I-I'm So Sorry yn," he said in a low volume as he started taking slow steps towards yn.

As soon as Yn heard those words come out of Yoongi's mouth, her expression quickly turned enraged. Her eyes were now fireballs. Her forehead veins protruded as she squeezed her fists tightly and gritted her teeth.

She stood up from the bed without removing her piercing glance from Yoongi.
"Why !?", Yoongi paused on his steps as he heard her.

Through clinched teeth she moved towards him, asking, "Why did you kill him!?"

Yoongi asked in a perplexed tone, "What are you talking about!?"

"WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO HIM?", Yn yelled as she grabbed yoongi by his collar making him to stare at her out of utter shock.

"You're not okay right now ", Out of worry he said in a calm voice.

Yn ignored him and gripped his shirt more tightly.
"IT WAS BETWEEN ME AND YOU. JUST US. YOU COULD'VE KILLED ME. HE DID NOTHING. THEN. WHY. HIM? ", Yn screamed as a fresh stream of tears began to fall from her swollen, blood-red eyes.

Yn released her hold with a yank, letting her hands fall to her side.

Yoongi merely stood motionless and listened to yn as she sobbed, adding, "And he was waiting to see her."

Yoongi said, "I didn't do anything yn"

"SHUT THE HELL UP. I Heard you speaking. I received your call via Jake's phone. What else must I know to be sure it was you? ", Yn shouted once more, her face flushed red due to intense crying and anger.

Yoongi asked with a little loud voice and a scowl on his face, "Did you see my face with your own eyes!?"

I heard you on call," yn stated firmly while grinding her teeth.

"It was a voice changer and you believed it?, without seeing me in real !?", yoongi responded.

Yn gazed into yoongi's eyes confusingly. She shifted her facial expressions to confused one and took a slight step backward.
"How do you know that?", yn questioned.

He said, closing his eyes for a while, "I'm being trapped and I- I think i know who's doing this."

"Prove it to me that it wasn't you behind all this," yn commanded.

He said in a gentle tone, "I will," and then moved to close the distance between them. "What if I proved myself innocent?, what will you do then !?",

He tugged a strand of hair out of her face gently. Yn watched every move his hand made. 'So that's his love language-pulling hair behind the ear'.

Yoongi's action caused the scene from her nightmare to suddenly flash through her mind, making her breath grow heavier. she abruptly yanked his hand away and moved back.

Yn responded humbly, taking her eyes off of him and staring at the ground, "I—I don't know." Once more, her eyes started to well up.

Yoongi grabbed her wrist and drew her into his arms, which caused her eyes to widen.
He encircled her within his arms. She couldn't believe that the person who she had just been screaming at and accusing of a murder was now hugging her. And she let him do that.

It felt like a warm blanket wrapped around a person who is cold, wet and shaky. Yn's face was hiding in the crook of his neck because of the height difference. She took the chance that no one could see her as she closed her eyes and let every last tear fall.

Hearing her sobs yoongi closed his eyes and placed his lips on top of her head, planting a gentle kiss. He took a brief pause in this state as he tightened the hug a little bit.

"Just wait for me. I'll tell what you'll have to do, "Yoongi answered in a low voice, stroking her hair softly before he pulled her away, turned around, and quietly exited the room.

I hope it goes well for you," yn murmured to herself, her vision blurred by tears as she glanced around the empty room.



Will yoongi be able to prove himself innocent !?

What do you think is going to happen next !? 〣 ( ºΔº ) 〣


(´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ )♡╰

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