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Nearing midnight, Yn was studying the file including past research and developments made by experts at the Seoul Detention Center.

Her hair was pulled back in a sloppy bun, and she was wearing her night dress. She was munching snacks while carefully examining the documents.
As she read through it, she noticed a drug description.

'The development of a drug to treat the corona virus. It resulted in negative reactions in 100 human test subjects and the deaths of 289 out of 350 animal test animals. The research to develop this treatment has been deemed unsuccessful due to its adverse consequences'

'Research conducted by senior medical specialist Dr. Min Yoongi and senior medical assistant Dr. Jang Daehyun. '

As she considered the negative effects it brought about, her brows knitted. You're not sure why, but it seems to be the same as the one the murderer is using.

Her stomach began to grumble loudly, drawing her attention away.
She laid one palm on her rumbling tummy and murmured, "That's my biggest distraction during work."

To see if there was something to eat, she headed to the kitchen. She looked in the refrigerator, the cabinets, and anyplace else she could.

' It's too late to go out and get stuff ', She groaned.
Her tummy rumbled once more so she grabbed up her phone and headed out to buy something.

She began to shiver as soon as she stepped into the road due to the cool breeze that touched her body. She blushed as the breeze brought to memory her most recent interactions with Yoongi.

"Aish stop being cheesy yn"
She face palmed herself and murmured,

After a while, she found herself humming random melodies to herself in an empty alleyway.

The alleyway was empty as always, there were only the golden street lights flickering to show the way.

When she heard a noise coming from behind her, Yn came to a complete halt. She cautiously turned around to look behind her, but all she saw was a long, dark alleyway with a few dumpsters scattered about next to the walls of large buildings.

She dismissed her thoughts and started walking once more.

She took a step and heard the noise once more. Something metallic seemed to be scratching against the wall.

Again, she glanced behind her, but no one was there. Yn shouted, "HELLO?, IS ANYONE THERE-?" but got nothing in answer except her own voice echoing through the silence.

Yn scowled when she again didn't hear back. She ignored it, supposing it must be a cat or other animal and began to walk.

An empty can bottle suddenly rolled towards Yn, striking the tip of her shoes, startling her on the spot and causing her to stagger back. From behind the trash cans, a cat emerged and took off running.

Yn huffed and tried to collec herself together.
'It's only a cat, yn. I'm such a scaredy cat'

Still, Yn sensed that something wasn't right. She stumbled as she cast her gaze down the shadowy trail. She was looking to see if she could see out anyone's figure behind the shadows.

She turned around once more and resumed her steady footsteps.

This time, she audibly heard footsteps behind her. She heard footsteps behind her so she spun around on her heels and stared back with wide, horrified eyes.

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