The amount was substantial, and she begged for some time to pay it back. Fortunately, they agreed to give her some time but took some valuable things from her as collateral. She worked day and night to pay off the debts, but it wasn't an easy task. It took months of hard work and perseverance to finally repay it. However, her parents' shameless nature made them return to her for more money. Fed up with their selfish and irresponsible behavior, she decided to cut all ties with them and move on with her life.

Throughout her lifetime, she never experienced the warmth and affection of parental love. The constant absence of this essential element in her life became a source of continuous mockery, making her feel foolish for wanting something that seemed so unattainable. As a result of this emotional deprivation, she gradually transformed into a cold and distant person, one who no longer yearned for love or affection but instead learned to rely on herself.

As she looked at Marquis's family, Evelyn was overwhelmed with a sense of familiarity. It was a bitter reminder of how unwanted she had always been, even in her own skin. She obediently bowed before them, but no one bothered to acknowledge her presence. The contemptuous glares and the cold hatred in their eyes were all too familiar to her. It was the same look she had seen from her own family, the same disapproving gaze that had followed her all her life. In that moment, her heart ached with the same pain that she had felt countless times before. She knew all too well the longing for love and acceptance from those who were supposed to love her unconditionally, only to be met with rejection and abandonment.

'How rude of them; it was their idea to invite me here. How can they treat their family like this? Despicable bastard.'

The marquis broke the silence, his voice cold and firm as he spoke. "I have an important announcement to make," he said, his eyes fixed on her. "In just one month, you will be wedded to the young Duke of Dragun." Her eyes widened in surprise and shock, but the marquis continued without any hint of emotion. "In the meantime, it is imperative that you learn proper etiquette and comportment befitting of your new station. You must not bring any disgrace to the name of Basilisk," he warned, his tone leaving no room for argument or negotiation.

From the right side, there came a sharp noise, like a tsk. A young man with striking red hair, reminiscent of the man in the photograph, appeared. His ocean-blue eyes were a near match to those of the marquis, making it clear that they were related to each other. It is evident that he is one of her brothers. He appeared to be a few years older than her, perhaps four.

The young man to the left expressed his doubts. "Is it even feasible to send this to the Dragun? What if she fails to comply with our requests? It would be a disgrace to our family. Wouldn't it do us more harm than good to bring this to light?" he asked, his brow furrowed. He had been addressing me as "it," which was rather impolite of him. He shared the same features as his brother, but his eyes were a deep shade of mauve, much like mine. He seemed more mature and handsome than his younger brother by a margin of two years or so.

As I stood in the room, listening to the conversation, it became clear that the decision had already been made. The meeting had ended, and even his majesty had given his approval. Despite any objections or protests, nothing could be done to change the outcome. The marquis gestured for the butler to take me away, and soon after, a maid arrived to escort me out of the room. As she approached me, I could see in her eyes that she had been instructed to keep a close eye on me. The marquis had given her strict orders. I had no choice but to follow her, feeling powerless and defeated.

'So, they wanted me to get married in a month and didn't even bother to ask my opinion'. As I was heading back home, my mind was filled with so many questions.


The clock struck midnight, and the maid finally departed, leaving me to my thoughts. Throughout the day, she watched me like a hawk, her gaze never wavering. Now, with her absence, I took the opportunity to reflect on our situation. 'Let us take a moment to sort out and organize everything, shall we?'

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