As I started reading the novel, I got completely absorbed in the story. The plot was so captivating that I lost track of time, and when I finally looked at the clock, it was already past midnight. I knew that I had to be at the office early in the morning for a crucial meeting, and being punctual was of utmost importance. I couldn't afford to be late, so I spent a considerable amount of time thoroughly organizing everything I needed for the meeting. Finally, after ensuring everything was in order, I retired to bed.


"Hey, wake up. Wake up, can't you hear me."

"Wake up; master will be angry if you're late."

A sudden splash followed the jarring sensation of repeatedly being shaken awaken me, and I was drenched with water. Startled and confused, I leaped out of bed to confront the source of this unexpected intrusion. Standing before me was a diminutive woman holding an empty glass. 'Had she just poured water on me?' A growing sense of unease quickly replaced the shock of the cold water as I realized that I lived alone in my apartment - 'so who was this woman, and how had she gained access to my room?' As I glared at the stranger, I asked her, "Did you break into my house?"
She responded in disbelief, "Haa, have you finally lost your mind?" I couldn't believe my eyes and wondered what was happening. Panic-stricken, I started searching for my phone to call the police. However, looking around, I realized this wasn't my house. Something was off, and I couldn't wrap my head around it.

As I look around the room, I couldn't help but notice the worn-out walls, peeling paint, and dusty floors. It was evident that this was not a permanent residence but rather a temporary abode. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that the only furniture in the room was a plain wooden table, a chair, and a bucket of water across from a small bed. The woman standing before me was dressed in a neatly pressed maid uniform, adding to the atmosphere of familiarity. However, despite the signs of orderliness, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The air was thick with an uneasy tension, and I couldn't help but feel like an outsider in this place.

'Wait, this can't be it. I looked up at the stranger - she had a round face, brown hair and black eyes, just like a typical maid character from some novels.'

I inquired, curious about my surroundings. The woman in the room replied, urging me to hurry up and prepare myself before I upset the master. 'Master?' I thought to myself. She pointed towards a container of water and instructed me to freshen up and change into a plain-looking dress that she tossed towards me. After that, she hurriedly left the room, slamming the door violently.

"Where exactly am I?" I wondered as I gazed around the unfamiliar room. "It all seems too surreal, like something out of a novel. But can something like this even happen in real life?" I couldn't help but notice the uncomfortable sensation of wet clothes clinging to my skin. "The coldness of the water felt too vivid to be just a dream."

My mind was wandering when I was rudely interrupted by loud banging on the door, which snapped me back to the present moment. The maid girl impatiently yelled at me to hurry up. "Can I at least have some time to finish?" I grumbled but agreed to get moving. I managed to calm myself down thanks to my adaptability skills. I mean, there are a ton of novels about this thing, so I'm pretty sure I can handle it. I need to find out which novel it is. So, I cleaned myself up and put on that rag-looking dress. It was pretty short, even for me, only reaching below my knees, and the fabric was super old and torn at the edges. You could see many sewing traces all over it. How can they expect people to wear this? Even the maid's dress looks better than this one.

I left the room and quietly followed the maid girl, curious to see where she was headed. As we climbed up the stairs, a grand-looking hallway emerged before us, adorned with intricate details, elegant furnishings, and an abundance of natural light streaming through the large, immaculate windows. Unlike the room below, the hallway was spotless and exuded a sense of luxury.

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