The tears drop down to my hands which I roughly twisted against each other trying to ease the pain in my heart.

"We had to let you know," Xenia added.

"Are you going to see him?" Kenna asked softly and I shook my head taking them both by surprise.

"What? Did you guys fight? Even if you did, this is serious Quinn he's being framed!" Xenia complained.

"There's something I have to tell you guys too," I sniffed and wiped my tears with the back of my hand.

They remained silent and ready to hear what I had to say. Little did they know.

"It's about Angus's death."

They stiffened beside me and I knew the rate of their heartbeats increased.

"What about Angus?" Xenia asked with a soft shaky voice and I drew in a deep breath preparing myself to say it out loud. It was tougher than I thought it would be.

"A few days ago, I met mum with Ace's parents and we got to talking... and I got to know that the accident wasn't actually an accident. They murdered him... Ace's grandfather murdered Angus." My heart fell to my feet and my soul tried to pick it back up to give me life but I refused to move my physical body. My life came crashing down again.

"What? What do you mean by that?" Xenia stuttered. Her grip on my arm tightened, I could feel her body shaking through our contact and I shut my eyes in pain. "Quinn, please tell me it's an expensive joke you just made. Tell me that my brother didn't get brutally murdered like that."

She sniffed and I felt her tear drop down to my arm. I immediately pulled her into a hug as she broke down.

"So that's why you don't want to go and see Ace. You hate him right now don't you?" Kenna's calm voice rang in the air.

Kenna was the opposite of Xenia, she didn't say a word while Xenia broke down and couldn't muster up the strength to hide her raw emotions. Kenna... Kenna was holding herself up and sucking her emotions in. The thought made my heart break more.

Kenna read me like an open book all the time.

The door was suddenly flung open and my mother stood on the opposite side. I slowly let Xenia go and my mother came closer. Xenia's face was puffy and red as the tears dripped down uncontrollably. Xenia was his baby even though they were closer in age. They were like twins. He protected her all the time and was the perfect example of a big brother, he would never let her go out with guys or get hurt by anyone. She was his princess and now he's her angel.

My mother slowly took my place with Xenia and took her out. Xenia's stuttering words of how it wasn't fair and her cries faded the further they walked away and the door shut.

I hesitantly turned to Kenna wondering how she was able to take this so calmly. She was the one who had Angus's heart.

"Answer me, Quinn," she spoke in a dry voice. But I saw the storm brewing in her dull blue eyes, she was holding so much in.

I nodded. "I can't be with Ace. His family, his family, they ruined mine. They took away Angus and yet I didn't know. I mixed with the enemy and gave them my heart." I bit my lip so hard I felt the metallic taste of blood slipping onto my tongue.

"How can you be so stupid." Her words went straight to my heart but the tone she said it was the same as which she does when talking about Angus. Gentle, calm, and tense.


"Who's the enemy?"


"Them? Them? Quinn, Ace is being accused of murder. We both know that's a fucking lie. You know it. So why are you putting him in the same hole as his family? When I heard about what he had been through... I felt pity for him. He had to stay with those monsters all alone. He's not like them, we both know he's nothing like them. You know it, so why are you hurting yourself by lying that you hate him too," she whispered as she claimed my hand.

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