Chapter 19 - False Emperor Pt. 5/10 "Promised Revelation"

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   "The rain seems to be clearing up, here I thought it'd go all day." The boy looked up at the morning sky, There was still a soft spray, but the warm gray clouds were a much welcome sight compared to the thunderstorm.

   "Here I thought you'd get some sleep, it's already morning," Ddraig commented as Issei walked down the street. His appearance had caught the eyes of many, not only his armor but the damage attached. Regardless of the onlookers, Issei ignored them as he descended the lavish roadway.

   "Yeah well, I did get up at 10 last night," Issei argued, shifting his attention back to the city around him. He didn't know how it happened, but partway through his stroll, he crossed a bridge into a part of town that resembled something straight out of the Dark Ages. Massive pointed towers ordained with gothic architecture reached the sky, seemingly made to intimidate those who walked in their shadows. Yet Issei found the change pleasant, to him, it was oddly serene seeing a monolith standing in the gentle sprinkle.

   "You seem to be getting a lot of attention, especially from those guards." Ddraig pointed out, catching Issei's attention. The guards in question were Devils dressed in ornate glowing orange and red armor. Spikes and pauldrons jutted from the red armor. They wielded staffs, seemingly built for ceremonial intents rather than combat.

   "Yeah, I don't know where they came from. Are we near a castle or something?" Issei whispered, making sure he didn't stare at any one person for too long.

   "No idea, though it'd be best to mind your surroundings." Issei nodded, changing his stride from that of a shambling madman to a dignified knight, though the fact that his armor was torn apart and most likely stained with blood and grime didn't help.

    "Be careful boy." Issei's attention was snapped away from the scenery and towards Ddraig's voice, "What's wrong."

   "Something powerful is nearby, just up ahead." Issei's eyes darted back and forth through the street, no one looked particularly out of the ordinary, which meant whoever Ddraig felt was much further away.

   "You think I can take them?" Ddraig huffed at the boy's question, clearly thinking over his host's chances.

   "It's possible, but it'd be one hell of a fight that's for sure," Ddraig answered, Issei nodding at the dragon's response. Just as the boy was about to speak up, a man called, "Turn around with your hands up!"

   Issei froze, turning to see a group of guards surrounding him, all pointing their staffs at him, 'Most likely a gun.'

   Glancing behind himself, he saw more guards running up with their spears pointed at him. Some of the men towards the front of the circle deployed shields made up of translucent orange plasma, matching their armor.

   'They took you as a threat I'm assuming. They either don't know who you are and believe you to be an intruder, or even more likely-,'

   "They do." Issei stared at the man ahead of him. The one who he presumed to have given the order was dressed in a similar armor, however rather than red and orange, it was white and orange. Scanning the crowd, he knew he couldn't back down again, not like he already had.

   "Issei Hyoudou, you are reported to have been at the scene of an immense public disturbance, and are hereby ordered to leave the Underworld immediately!" Issei skimmed over the crowd, he could take them, it wasn't like he had the option to quit.

   "Guess you had better arrest me then." Issei challenged, shrugging his shoulders as he looked over the group again. The men around began to laugh, each looking at their comrades before a man in the center chanted, "18-3-104.7 "Threatening an Honor Guard Ultra" Deadly force is authorized."

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