Chapter 15 - False Emperor Pt. 1/10 "Rising Dragon Emperor"

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The trees swayed gently in the wind, their leaves softly brushing against the family home as though scratching the structure's back. Birds chirped as they flew between the tree's branches, mindlessly yet blissfully enjoying life. One pair of birds, twins almost, flew next to each other, both mimicking the other, yet managing to do so in opposite ways, where one flew down, the other up. Their dance was entertaining, he knew he could kill them both, or stop whatever they were doing, but he wanted to keep watching.

Sekaino sat amidst the branches of a sizable tree, the branch cradling his form gently swaying as he watched the birds dance around him and the very organism he sat in. Strangely, he knew they were powerless in the grand scheme of things, yet he was still entranced in their battle. He didn't know if it was because he cared about one or the other, or because it was entertaining to watch, regardless, he was far too focused to notice the boy yelling his name from below.

"Sekaino!" Issei yelled, the man in question finally looking down after what must've been the third or fourth attempt by Issei. His golden gaze, even now, having grown close to him still frightened Issei. The boy didn't know what it was, whether it was that stunt he pulled on Riser, the bastard, or a strange form of awe mixed in with respect and admiration. Regardless of his feelings towards him, he still needed him to get down from his perch.

Jumping down, Sekaino stood next to Issei cracking his neck with closed eyes and a relaxed smile, as though he was entering a fight. Looking at his friend, Sekaino asked, "What is it? You seem oddly in a hurry, last time I checked, you get home from school later than this."

The man had a curious expression, his head tilted as though studying his prey. Not being detected, Issei sighed, replying, "Not today, besides I'm not in Rias' little club, remember? And plus, you promised me you had something to talk about after I got out of the hospital, it's been a week already and I want to know."

Sekaino chuckled at the boy's demands, he was definitely still a kid, one which held respect, though was still a boy at heart. The man chuckled as he remembered the past few weeks since the battle took place. Much like the birds he just watched, the war was a marvel of colorful flames and fire, which he couldn't help but witness. After the remarkable performance by Issei, the boy had been stuck in the Underworld's hospitals for a week, Riser having remained there based on his knowledge, speaking of him, the man was crushed, this having been made especially clear when Issei and Sekaino visited him, the former having felt bad. During Issei's visit, Riser made sure to point out that he wasn't fond of Issei, especially Sekaino, though it was easy to see that his anger stemmed from his fear of the two.

Focusing his thoughts on the present and not the last, he watched the orange sky, Sekaino preemptively began his march towards the back door of Issei's home, turning to face the boy in question as he said, "Then let's go somewhere private, out here in your backyard isn't the best place to reveal what I have to say."

Time Skip


Swinging the door shut, Issei watched through the small gap for his parents as he heard the knob click into place before quickly locking it. Issei slowly turned towards his companion, sighing as he stared at the man sitting on the floor. Sekaino sat with his arms and legs crossed, his back straight and his eyes closed, as though he had been in deep thought. Issei, nervously shuffled about, quickly deciding to mimic his tutor's actions, sitting down across from him, albeit with a much more relaxed posture.

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