|| Chapter 46 ||

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*two days later*

Rosalie's POV.

We're at the airport right now to fly back to LA. The tour was only 6 months long so far but we're having a month break since christmas is soon and new year along with Ross' Birthday.

We checked in and the airport was full of people. "I'm going to use the bathroom," I told everyone before I walked off. It was really weird since it felt like, someone was following me.

I washed my hands and ran my finger through my hair before another women entered the bath. She smiled at me with tears in her eyes. I wondered why she was looking at me like that.

"Jane," the women said while she was still looking at me. "uhm, I'm sorry bu-" I said before she held me a tissue over my mouth and nose.

My vision got blurry until everything went black.


Riker's POV.

"where's Rosalie at?" Rocky asked curious. "She wanted to use the bath," I answered. "I'm gonna look since she's gone like 20mins ago," Rydel said before she left to the bath.

I looked around to look if she's somewhere going around but she wasn't. A few minutes later Rydel cane with tears running down her cheeks.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ratliff asked her when he pulled her into his chest. Rydel raised her arm and opened her hand. "is that...?" Shawn started but he couldn't finished his sentence.

"Her phone," Ross finished shaking. "it was on the floor," Rydel said sobbing. "I'm going to the information and ask them to call her over the intercom," Rocky said when he left.

"Rosalie Emily Lynch, please go to gate 16B! Does anyone saw Rosalie Emily Lynch please tell police or the information! Thanks!"

"Where is she?" Rydel asked sobbing louder by the second. "We'll find her, don't worry," Ratliff said, trying to calm her down. "okay, we pair up and search for her, Ratliff goes with Rydel, Ross with Rocky & Shawn and Ryland comes with me," I said.

They all agreed and started running around the airport.


"No sign of her," Ross said when we met up around two hours later. "Mom & Dad are going to take her away from us if they find out!" Rydel pointed out crying.

"First of all, we all need to calm down," Ryland said but how can we calm down when our baby sister is missing. "the police is informed and is looking at the video tapes," Rocky informed us.


"We found a lady on the tape with sunglasses and a hat. She had a huge back with her on a cart and we're guessing that Rosalie was in the bag but we don't have any prove. The lady was very scared and looked around hundreds of times. We try to do anything we can," the police officer told us.

Why would someone kidnap a 15 year old girl. We decided to stay in Paris until we will find her...if we'll find her...

*three days later*

Rosalie's POV.

I looked around and buried my head in my hands while I pulled my knees close to my chest. I was in a room, surrounded by pink walls with posters of horses and unicorns.

A bed with pink pillows and blankets. Hot pink curtains. A white wardrobe. Millions of stuffed animals. Pictures of a little girl in pink frames on the walls.

The door opened and the women walked in. "Jane, baby, are you hungry?" She asked me with a smile. "I'm not Jane, I don't know a Jane! Please let me go!" I begged while tears brimmed in my eyes.

"Oh Jane, my little baby, you're my daughter," she said while she was still smiling at me, sweetly. "I'm hungry," I told her with a sigh.

She nodded and walked off. A few minutes later she came back with pizza and water. I started eating and she left again before she closed the door.

She thinks I'm a girl named Jane. That's not me! She's coming every 10minutes and tells me about 'my life'. She's so creepy and it feels like I'm getting paranoid.

I have nightmares every night, even when I take short naps. I try to stay awake as long as possible, except for the times the women comes in.

She's the only one here with me but yesterday I heard her talking with a guy. I could hear every single word and when I fell from the bed he asked her out about what it was and stuff.

He even tried to open the door but the women put tape on my mouth so he won't notice me. She convinced him that nothing was in here.

This room had a little window but the only thing you could see was another window on the other side, where a house was but to be honest, I've never saw someone in that room.

It was empty.

I miss my family so much already. I can only guess how much they are probably crying and searching for me.

It feels like..I'm not the same person anymore. I told you I'm getting paranoid. I hope everything will be okay. I hope they'll find me, soon!

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