|| Chapter 48 ||

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Rosalie's POV.

December 31st 2015, 7:49pm. I need to be quick. I planned everything out. Jenna told me that she wants to buy some food and stuff for tonight since it's new years eve but I have other plans.

The couple didn't moved in completely but it's an awesome view if you look out of the window so I'm guessing they will be here, if not...then I'm stuck here for a few more days or weeks.

"I'm going now, I'll be back in 20. Don't you dare to do something stupid," Jenna said angrily. I shook my head, no. She left and I heard her locking the door before the front door opened and closed.

I jumped up and ran to the widow. It was locked. I banged on the window as hard as I could. I took the plastic horse and threw it into the window, hoping that it would smash.

After a few times it finally smashed. I grabbed little lego pieces and threw them in the window on the other side. Please let them be there. Please!

"HELP!" I yelled while I threw more and more, hoping that they would notice me. I looked at the clock in panic, 6min left.

I saw a women looking out of the window under it. "oh my god! Are you okay?!" She asked scared. "please call the police PLEASE!" I yelled crying. She nodded and I saw her calling.

"They're coming as fast as they can!" The women yelled to me. Her husband came and wrapped his arms around her. She smiled at me with tears in her eyes.

The couple in front of me came and opened the window. "you're Rosalie Lynch right?" The man asked while the women just stared at me with wide eyes.

I nodded crying and heard the front door. I turned around to see Jenna standing in the door. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" She asked yelling when she came towards me.

"I-I..." I started but before I knew it I got thrown on the floor. She kicked me and I tried to stand up. "STOP IT!" The man yelled. Jenna glared at him and closed the curtains.

The grey carpet was blood stained. "STOP!" I yelled crying. I heard sirens and in a flashlight, the police was holding Jenna to the floor.

"You're safe," the police women said to me when she helped me up. I wanted to hear those words for so long. I'm free.

A police men carried me outside where the two couples where waiting along with hundreds of other people and also police cars and ambulance.

I sat me down and bandaged my injuries. "thank you," I said to the women who called the police. She nodded and a tear slipped out of her eye. I hugged her weakly and thanked her again.

"I need my family," I said to the police women. "we will call them immediately," she said and told another police men to call them.

He smiled and put it on loudspeaker. "Mrs. Lynch?" He asked curious. "yes?" I heard my Mom's voice. "we have good news for you. We found Rosalie," he said.

Just then everything made sense again in my life. The happy screams and sobs from my mom and also her telling everyone the news made me cry.

The police men told them the address and stuff and within minutes a van pulled off. The doors opened and they came running towards me.

I started crying and jumped into Riker's arms since he was the fastest. I'm safe.


After the ambulance checked me once more we drove to the airport and flew back to LA. It was weird but cool to have new year in a plane but also boring and it was all my fault.

We arrived at our band house were only Riker, Ratliff, Rydel, Rocky, Ross, Ryland & I live since Mom & Dad live in Colorado.

I still didn't slept at all. "You should sleep," Ross said when he wrapped his arm around me when we were sitting on the couch. "I can't...what if I wake up and it was all a dream? What if I'm still with her?" I asked while tears brimmed in my eyes.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" He asked me, trying to convince me to go to sleep. "yea," I said with a nod. "alright, c'mon," he said and held his hand out for me to take it.

I took his hand and we went to my room. I quickly got changed into my PJ in my bathroom and laid down in my bed. He laid next to me and turned the lights off.

It was dark and I started shacking. "I-I can't," I said when I turned the lights on. "I just can't sleep," I added with tears running down my eyes.

"Listen Rosa, you need to sleep and I understand that it's scary for you but we want you to be okay and to be safe that's why I'm here. If you want you can ask Riker or whoever to sleep here just please sleep," he begged with a weak smile when he wiped my tears.

I nodded and turned the lights off. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I held him close. Please don't let it be a dream. Please let me wake up, exactly where I am.

I closed my eyes and rested my head on Ross' chest to feel more comfortable. Just go to sleep Rosa. It isn't that difficult. Don't think about her, she's never going to hurt you again.

With these thoughts, I finally drifted off to sleep.


I feel like it's getting to bored :/ idk

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