|| Chapter 74 ||

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A few weeks later

Rosalie's POV.

"GO JASON!" I yelled along with my siblings and Mike. Brandon was on set with Sabrina and everyone else while Shawn just started a world wide tour so they couldn't come to Jason's ice hockey game.

I wore Jason's jersey and at the moment it seemed like Jason's team was winning. "He's pretty good!" The boys said as they cheered. A while later the game came to an end and we waited for Jason to come so we could drive home.

Jason came around the corner and I attacked him with kisses, much to his liking. It was already late since the game started at like 8pm. Riker drove the van and we dropped Mike & Jason at their home.

Yea, Jason needs to spend some time with his dad. "Let's watch a movie!" Ryland yelled as he walked to the living room with his arms in the air. I giggled and agreed. "I'm going in my room," Rydel said without showing emotions.

She was a bit down today. "I'll come with you," Ratliff said and of course Rocky had to yell, "use protection!" They didn't laughed and didn't said anything they just left.

"What is wrong with them?" I asked slightly confused. Everyone shrugged and Ryland started the movie.


I woke up in the living room on top of Riker and Ryland while Rocky was laying on the couch table and Ross on the floor. I groaned and got up, hearing a groan afterwards from Ryland.

I tripped over Ross and fell on top of Rocky which made Ryland bursting out laughing. I joined him and so did Ross. Rocky jolted up and I fell back done. "Seriously dude?" I asked as I rolled my eyes and he just joined the others laughing.

"What is going on here?" I heard Riker ask. "Well, Rosa got up, tripped over Ross, fell on top of Rocky who jolted up and then she fell on the floor," Ryland explained who saw it all.

"Why don't I smell pancakes?" I asked pouting. Rydel was usually always up and made pancakes for us. Ross got up and helped me up as we went to the kitchen to see everything still like we left it yesterday.

"They are probably still sleeping!" Riker yelled from the living room. I looked at Ross and he nodded before we went up the stairs. I knocked on Rydel's door and opened it so see...

Nothing. The bed was untouched and she wasn't in bed, neither was Ratliff. "Maybe they're in Ratliff's room," I suggested with a shrug as we went to the room down the hall. I opened to door and the bed was untouched as well.

"GUYS!" Ross yelled and seconds later the boys were next to us. "Their beds are untouched," Ross told them. We looked in every room but they weren't anywhere. "Go text them, call them or look for clues."

I went to Rydel's room and looked at her nightstand. Nothing. I opened her wardrobe and a few clothes were missing. "Yo Rocky!" I said who was walking in Rydel's room.

"Yea?" He asked curious. "Some of her clothes are missing," I informed as I teared up. His took my hand and we walked to Ratliff's room to look if his clothes were missing as well. "They left," I whispered to him as a single tear rolled down my cheek.

We went downstairs gathered with everyone in the living room. "They're ignoring our calls and texts," Riker said frustrated. "Clothes are missing," I informed them sadly.


We called the police but they told us that they're both adults and can do what they want so it's non of their concerns. I decided to text my sister anyways.

To: Delly 👑💕
WHERE ARE YOU!? I'm so worried Rydel why did you & Ratliff left? I can't believe it Rydel...We miss you so and we just want to know if you're alright and stuff. I'm worried sick Delly :(

I send it and plopped on the couch. Why would she left us like that? And why is Ratliff with her then? My phone vibrated and I immediately grabbed it.

From: Delly 👑💕
Rosa, I'm sorry for leaving you but it's for the best. Don't come search for us okay baby girl? I love you too, so so much and don't worry about me or Ratliff. We're fine <3

I let out a scream of frustration and the boys stared at me in confusion. I handed them my phone and buried my face in my hands. The front door opened and I jumped up, hoping that Rydel & Ratliff would walk in and telling us that they were joking but no, it was Jason.

"Why are y'all so sad?" Jason asked as he sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Ryland explained him the situation and Jason was shocked as well.

"We can't ask the fans to help us, can we?" Rocky asked curious. "You think that's a good idea?" Riker asked not so sure about it. "I don't want everyone to know," Ryland said and I agreed with him.

But maybe we should because then we could find them. "They don't want to be found but we can't just sit here and loose our friend and sister."

"I miss her already," I said and again I was tearing again. Jason pulled me into his chest and I started sobbing. I heard a 'click' and looked up to see that Ross had taken a picture of me.

"Why did you do that?" I asked confused. "I'm gonna send it to them and tell them what they do to us," he said kinda angry but mostly sad. "Let's just hope they come back."


Why do you think Rydel & Ratliff left? How long do you think will they be gone?

MY ENGLISH TEACHER told the whole class today that I'm the best writer and that I'm also her best student and gosh I was so embarrassed :D

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