|| Chapter 73 ||

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Rosalie's POV.

"And the winners are!..R5!" Ashley Benson & Lucy Hale yelled into the mic. That was the only category where we thought that we might not win but we did!

"Come on, everyone!" Riker said as well all high fived. I dragged Jason with me and looked at Brandon who was smiling at Sabrina. "I'll stay here," Brandon said with a nod. I nodded as well and R5, Ryland, Jason & I went on stage.

Jason's arm was around my waist, Ryland's around my shoulder and R5 was doing their speech as they got the award. Suddenly Ryland & Jason started tickling me which made me squeal and I tried to escape.

I ran to the exit but I got lifted up and spun around from Jason as R5 followed us to the exit. I felt Ryland tickling me again until we were off stage. "Seriously guys?" I asked as I rolled my eyes, playfully.

They nodded and Ryland kissed my head. We went back to our seats and Ed high fived Jason.


Sabrina, Rowan, Peyton & Corey walked on stage to present the next award. "The nominees for 'best style' are..."

"Zendaya...Harry Styles...Justin Bieber...& Rosalie Lynch."

"What?" I asked loudly and my family was just grinning at me. They didn't told me that I was nominated! "That's a joke right?" I asked shocked. Rydel shook her head and grinned.

"And the winner is...OUR GIRL ROSALIE LYNCH!" They all yelled and I froze in my spot. "Get up there!" Ross yelled over all the screaming and clapping. I stood up pecked Jason's lips, hugged my siblings and high fived Brandon.

I went on stage and Rowan & Sabrina ran to me and hugged me. Peyton & Corey hugged me quickly and handed me the award and I stood in front of the mic. This is the first time I spoke in front of thousands of people and millions in front of their TV.

"Thank you guys so so much! This award means a lot to me since I personally think that Harry Styles is da bomb!" I said which made the audience laugh loudly.

"Uhm, actually I just throw on some clothes without even thinking!" I chuckled to myself. "I want to thank my family for being there for me. I love them so much and of course all of my friends! It's been a hard time but I got through it with their help! So thanks to Riker, Rocky, Rydel, Ross, Ratliff, Jason also known as Mister X, Shawn & Brandon. Also all of you guys and my friends over here," I said as I gestured to Rowan, Sabrina, Peyton & Corey.

"I love y'all! Thanks!"

They all cheered and I went off stage. Rowan & Sabrina linked arms with me and we went to our seats. "Ha! Harry gotcha!" I yelled since he was like five rows behind me. He jumped up and tackled me.

I screamed laughing and he just chuckled. "Good job girl! I also bought one of your shirts," he said gesturing to his shirt which made me gasp. I hugged him and tickled his side which made him chuckle. "Thank you."

I turned around and saw that the camera was filming me and Harry. We were on the big screen and I blew a kiss to the camera and smiled cutely as I sat in my seat. "I can't believe Harry & Taylor are wearing my designs!" I exclaimed to my family.

"We're so proud of you!" They all said and I smiled widely. I got an award for letting my brothers and mother buying me clothes when I just throw them on randomly.

"And our next performer is Ed Sheeran!"

Ed walked on stage with his guitar and grinned. "This is for all of you guys and for Rosa who's boyfriend is a cool dude!"

I giggled and kissed Jason's cheek. Ed sang 'Photograph' which was my favorite song from him. After that R5 performed and I sang along and danced in my seat along with Taylor Swift who sat down next to me.

The show came to an end and I hugged Taylor & Ed goodbye since they had to leave quickly to catch their flights. I invited Shawn, Rowan, Sabrina, Corey & Peyton to my house and they agreed to come.


We were all chilling outside, swimming in the pool and stuff. I noticed Sabrina & Brandon were gone so I grabbed Rowan by her wrist and tip toed with her inside.

"Sabrina & Brandon are missing I bet they're sucking each other faces," I whispered to Rowan who smiled brightly at the fact that they were flirting all the time.

We tip toed through the living room and the kitchen to heard whispering in our closets. The door was slightly open and we peeked in to see them, chest to chest, giggling, whispering and...kissing.

Rowan & I covered each others faces from screaming and ran outside. We jumped in the pool and screamed underwater until we surfaced. "What's wrong with you two?" Ratliff asked chuckling.

"SABRINA & BRANDON KISSED!" Rowan & I screamed in unison. Everyone 'ooh'ed and Rydel joined us squealing. "What's up here friends?" Sabrina asked as she sat on the edge of the pool. Brandon joined us in the pool and looked innocent.

"Oh nothing we were just talking about the fact that you two were kissing!"

They both blushed a deep red and avoided eye contact which was literally the cutest thing ever.


I need to add more drama guys right? It gets a little boring and I don't have an idea how to end the book...

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