|| Chapter 4 ||

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Rosalie's POV.

"Rosa! Rosalie," someone whispered while gently shaking me. I opened my eyes to see Ross. "go get ready you have half an hour," he told me.

I nodded and he left. I quickly got dressed and brushed my hair and teeth before I grabbed my phone and ran down the stairs.

"Here pancakes for you two, have fun," Mom said smiling while handing me two plates. I put them and the counter and Ross sat down next to me.

We ate our pancakes and headed to Ross' car. "you excited?" Ross asked me while driving down the road. "yea, to meet Calum!" I said hyper which made him laugh.

We heard radio and sang along which we always do. Like 20mins later we arrived at the set and parked in my brothers parking lot.

We got out and entered the huge building. "They don't know you're here it's a surprise," Ross whispered when we walked down the hall to the dressing rooms.

I giggled and nodded. We reached his dressing room without someone noticing us except the guy at the entrance who needs to know if Ross arrived.

"Raini Rodriguez & Laura Marano to fitting!" Someone over the intercom said. This meant they just got ready with hair and make up.

"Okay so how will we surprise them?" I asked evilly. Ross chuckled and whispered me the plan in my ear. I nodded and we did our own, made up handshake.

"Ross Lynch & Calum Worthy to hair & make up!" The same guy said over the intercom. I start laughing every time when he needs to go to make up.

"Stop laughing," Ross whined pouting. "go ahead princess," I said when I opened the door for him. He pushed my head playfully and I followed him.

He high fives me before he entered the hair & make up room. I went to the guy who's working at the intercom. He know everything on set.

"Rosa!" Brad yelled excitedly when I entered his working room. "Brad!" I yelled back when I jumped into his arms.

"What are you doing here, princess?" He asked me when I sat on his lap in front if the computer where everything is documented.

"Ross allowed me to come with him today so here I am," I explained when I looked at the schedule for today.

"Ross told me to surprise everyone that I'm here over the intercom. Can I say everything you actually have to say?" I asked him nicely with my puppy eyes which are always working with everyone.

"Sure, princess," he replied. I high fives him and waited for the computer to say when I have to say something.

The 'Laura Marano to set' thingy blinked and I smirked before I took the mic. I clicked on the red button and said, "Lauri Mmmarano to set!"

A few minutes later Brad & I saw her walking to set, normally. I think she didn't noticed. Then the 'Ross Lynch to set' thingy blinked as well.

"Rossy Shor to set!" I said over the intercom. Since the room where Brad & I were was over the live taping seats she could easily see me.

She looked up surprised and with wide eyes. She jumped up and down when she saw me. I waved at her and she waved back.

I saw Ross walking towards her. They hugged and Ross looked up as well. He shook his head at me which made both of us laugh.

He hates when I'm calling him Rossy Shor but I am the only one who's allowed to.

The 'Raini Rodriguez to set' blinked seconds later and Calum's too.

"Raini ma gurl Rodriguez & Calum David Webster Worthy to set!" I screamed into the mic. Brad was laughing his ass off.

I high fives him one last time before I ran out off the room and down the stairs and down the halls.

I saw the cast in a group and I ran straight towards them. Calum was with his back to me so I jumped on his back.

"Woh!" He said surprised. I laughed and jumped back down. Calum, Laura & Raini pulled me into a group hug and Ross joined.

"We missed you so much, princess," Raini said happily. "I missed y'all too," I replied also happy. "Ross is such an ass for not taking you with him," Calum said which made us all laugh.

"Hey!" Ross said while he pretended to be hurt. I jumped on Ross' back and wrapped my arms around his neck. "he didn't mean it," I said to him.

"I know princess," he replied.

"Guys we have to film now," someone random said. I jumped off of Ross' back and he hugged me. "have fun, I'll see you later," Ross said before kissing my head.

"See ya then, good luck," I said before kissing his cheek. I high fives Laura, Raini & Calum before they started filming. I went back to Brad and watched them a while from up there.

I decided to call Mom.


"Hey Mom" Rosalie

"Hey honey, what are you doing?" Stormie

"Just hanging out with Brad and watching them filming" Rosalie

"Nice. When are you coming home?" Stormie

"I don't know yet" Rosalie

"Okay then have fun and be good" Stormie

"Will done. Bye Mom" Rosalie

"Bye Honey" Stormie

End Conversation

"I'm looking around a while," I said to Brad before I walked to the set. I watched them and smiled because I was really proud of my brother.

Sometimes soon they had a lunch break and we decided to go to Raini's dressing room.

Ross & Calum started playing XBox since Raini was the only one with a XBox in her room. Raini, Laura & I started talking about cute boys.

"I think Josh Hutcherson is a cutie," I said to them. "George Clooney is the cutest," Laura defensed. "pff no, Liam Hemsworth is," Raini said.

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