|| Chapter 65 ||

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Rosalie's POV.

"Here," Riker said as he handed me a bouquet of flowers. "Again?" I asked groaning and put it to my other bouquets. "They can't be serious," I groaned as I rubbed my temples and send Mom the homeworks she send me to do.

I got a message and it was from Jason.

Wanna go to the fair tomorrow?

I got a text from no one else then Shawn straight after.

Hey :) I figured that the fair is in town we should go there tomorrow. What do you say?

I groaned and slammed my phone on the desk in the living room. "What's wrong?" Ryland asked curious. "The boys?" Rydel asked already knowing the answer. I nodded and showed her the texts.

"Why don't we go all?" She suggested and I nodded with a smile. "BOYS! We're going to the fair tomorrow!" Rydel yelled and we heard a bunch of 'yes' as they all came down to play video games.

I texted both of them the same message.

Sounds good but my family is coming too ;) see ya at mine at 1pm.

Rydel giggled as she saw me message and nodded at me. My phone vibrated and I gave it to Rydel. She'll manage it. I knew she did something which I won't approve but I shrugged it off.

Minutes went by and I heard the door bell ring. "Who's that?" I asked but Rydel just smiled at me. I didn't bothered to open the door because Rydel did since the boys were still playing video games.

I spread out on the couch and closed my eyes since I thought that it was just someone who...I don't know. "She isn't sleeping," I heard Rydel saying. "Rosa you have a guest," she added and I opened my eyes to see Shawn smiling at me.

I got up and smiled back. I flashed Rydel a 'are you kidding me' look and she just smiled innocently. I got up and sat in between Rocky's legs as I took his controller and played for him.

"Rosa!" Ross whined as I killed his character. "Yes Ross?" I asked and we all just laughed at him as he got up and stomped his feet. He came back with grapes. "Ross! Grape!" I demanded as I opened my mouth.

He put a grape in my mouth and I was so focused on the game that I forgot to chew and I choked on it. I killed Ratliff's character before I collapsed against Rocky's chest.

I coughed hardly and didn't get any air in my lungs. I felt Rocky's arms on my stomach as he squeezed tightly, causing me to cough again. He did it again and again until the grape flew out of my mouth so I could breath again.

I took deep breaths and Rocky pulled me closer as I leaned against his chest. "Thank you," I breathed out. He kissed my head and said, "anytime princess."

"Are you okay?" Rydel asked as she kneeled in front of me. I nodded and felt myself getting tired as I closed my eyes. I could hear some talking but I didn't understood since I fell asleep almost immediately.


I woke up to see Shawn sitting on my bed smiling at me. "Creepy," I said as I pulled the blanket over my head. He chuckled and pulled on the blanket so my head revealed.

"It's around 6 so why don't we watch a movie?" He asked and I just nod. He crawled next to me and turned my TV on. "I'm going to use the bathroom. Don't start the movie without me," he warned with a smile.

He left and just then his phone vibrated. I debate on either looking at his texts or nod. Before I knew it I had his phone in my hands and saw a new text from...Jason?

S: I'm off to go to Rosa's ;)

J: cool bro

S: you know I'm gonna take any chance to kiss her right?

J: I do know that :|

S: :) see ya tomorrow dude

J: don't have toooo much fun :)

I gasped and put his phone away as I heard the toilet flash. I can't believe why they just...UGH boys! Shawn came back in and laid next to me, closer then before.

Of course he had to choose a romantic movie where people would kiss and stuff. Maybe I'll just play along...

Wow, the movie is just...like seriously why is that boy making out with every girl he sees? Poor girls. "Did you got my flowers today?" Shawn asked me curious. "Yea, and the ten bouquets this last week," I said as I rolled my eyes unnoticeable.

"Don't you like flowers?" He asked me as he rolled on his side so he was facing me. "I do, just not every day." I nodded understanding and grabbed a chocolate bar which I didn't noticed I had on my nightstand.

"Want some?" He asked and I just nodded as I took a bite. I could feel that I had chocolate on my mouth so I wanted to wipe it away but Shawn beat me to it.

He had his hand placed on my cheek and wiped my mouth with his thumb slowly as he pulled my head closer to him. "May I?" He asked me as he leaned his forehead on mine.


She won't say Yes, will she?

By the way GUYS! Wtf I thought you would like Josa and since I already wrote...a lot I can't just delete every upcoming chapter because of Rhawn. I swear I try to make it up to you by...(surprise) ;) I hope you're not mad at me for that though because I love you guys!

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