|| Chapter 61 ||

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Rosalie's POV.

"I'm gonna miss you," I told Jason as me & my family were saying goodbye to him & Ratliff at the airport. "I'm gonna miss you too," he said as he pulled me into a hug. "I don't wanna leave," I said whining.

"I don't want you to leave either but we'll see each other 2017," he said with a chuckle. "God, time flew by really quick," I said a little shocked that it was already the end of 2016.

"Do you remember Austin, Rico, Kyle, Kayla, Jaylin & Arianna?" I asked him curious since we didn't talked much about that plane crash. "Yea, I do but I still don't know how I landed here," he said with a shrug as he grabbed my cheeks as he kissed me gently. "Bye, I'll see you soon," I said as I waved at him.

"Bye Angel," he said and waved as well as I left to hug Ratliff goodbye. I went to my family and soon we boarded.

A few hours later we landed and I saw Mom & Dad waiting for us. We all hugged and drove home. "Rosa, who's that guy, Mister X?" Mom asked suddenly. "You wouldn't believe it," Ryland peeped in.

"Why?" Dad asked curious. "It's Jason," I told them which made my Mom gasp, "Rosa, he isn't the dead Jason, is he?" "Jason is alive Mom," I said as I showed her a picture of him and me a few days ago.

"What happened to Shawn?" Dad asked me curious. "Nothing," I said quickly. "Uhm, okay," he replied and stopped the car as we arrived.

We got in the house and greeted our grandparents. Grandma, Mom, Rydel & I baked cookies like every year while the boys go and play ice hockey. After we bake Rydel & I decided to go ice skating and joined the boys.

Rydel & I did some crazy moves as we took pictures of each other and posted some on our social medias.

Christmas Eve

We watched out traditional christmas movie called 'the grinch' and after that we sang songs and ate dinner. We also played games and went ice skating like everyday.

It was already late and we were still skating on the ice till midnight. We always sleep in one room on Christmas eve so we got ready and went to bed.


"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Everyone yelled through the house as we woke up at around 7, I guess. We ran downstairs where our parents and grandparents already were.

The presents where under the tree and we all sat down on the floor and couches. "Who goes first?" Mom asked us. "I will give my presents first!" I screamed as I handed each one their presents.

"Hmm what could it be?" Rocky asked as he held his hockey stick in his hands. Their gifts were in wrapping paper but of course you could see a hockey stick through it's wrapping paper.

"I don't know," I said with a shrug as he unwrapped the paper. "A HOCKEY STICK OH MY GOD!" He screamed like a girl which made everyone laugh. "thanks princess," he said as he kissed my head.

Riker got his hockey stick as well and Ryland & Ross their helmets. The boys all liked their gifts and I gave Mom & Granny perfume and Papa & Dad got tickets for a football game.

"Thanks so much Rosa," everyone said to me. "ouh, I forgot Rydel," I said as I handed her a bag with her gifts. She screamed as she took the onesie out and the necklace.

I laughed and she hugged me tightly. "We have one gift for you but we'll give it to you later, it's only from your lovely brothers," Riker said as he looked at the other boys who smirked.

Why do the boys give her a gift and didn't told me?

Soon almost everyone had their presents. I got new beats from Ryland, three pairs of shoes from Rydel, two damn hot dresses from Ross, Neon Pink ice skates and a neon pink leather jacket from Rocky, matching sunglasses with Riker from Riker along with a make up kit, bikinis from grandma, short shorts from Papa (which Mom and grandma bought because he had no idea what hot pants are), bunch of nail polish from Dad & a neon pink winter jacket and jeans from Mom.

I have so much clothes I need to throw my old clothes away which I don't like or wear anymore. "we have another present for you as well," Ross told me as we ate breakfast.

I didn't dared to ask about it. "can we go ice skating!" I asked yelling. "everyone go get ready," Dad said with a nod. I screamed excitedly and grabbed a new sweater along with jeans and my new neon pink winter jacket.

I ran upstairs and got dressed. Everyone got ready and we ran to the ice and put our skates on. I loved my new neon pink skates soooo much! "Thanks Rocky, you're da best!" I yelled as I skated happily.

I skated full of joy and happiness. I love to spend Christmas with the family in Colorado. "Girls! It's time for your big presents!" The boys yelled.

Rydel & I saw two big boxes with bows on it. Oh god, what the hell is in there?


Whatcha think what's in there huh?

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