|| Chapter 71 ||

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Rosalie's POV.

We released our clothes three days ago and today are the Kids Choice Awards! Rydel curled my hair natural and I put light make up on.

I grabbed my white cut out dress with floral print on the bottom and white heels and slipped them on. I looked good. Rydel wore a pink dress with white highlights and white heels.

When we were done we walked down the stairs. The boys were already waiting for us and I couldn't stop my smile as I saw Jason's jaw dropping. "You look beautiful!" Jason said as he kissed my cheek.

"Thank you. You look handsome," I said as I looked at his blue ripped skinny jeans and his black shirt with 'I'm Mister X' written on it in white.

He chuckled and nodded. "Let's go!" We got in the limousine and drove off. It was our tradition to make a stop at In N' Out, so we did. A few minutes later we arrived at the red carpet.

"Who do you want to meet this year?" Rydel asked me as we got out of the car. "Ed Sheeran! God, I love his music! Uhm, of course Sabrina, Rowan uh and Maddie! I hope she's here."

We got our passes with our names on and got told to get on the carpet. R5 did pictures and I did single pictures. "Rosa! Over here!" "Smile!" "Look over your shoulder!" The paparazzi screamed at me.

I grabbed Ryland's arm and dragged him to take pictures with me. We did some funny poses and then Ryland & I made pictures with R5. Brandon & Jason followed us in the back.

"Rosa!" I heard a familiar voice yelling. I spied Rowan, Sabrina & everyone else. Rowan & Sabrina ran to me and we hugged. "What the hell happened at the fair? You need to tell us later!"

We did some pics as well until Shawn came and interrupted us.

"Sup?" He asked chuckling. Sabrina & Rowan left to do interviews and Shawn & I posed for the cameras. He told me he would do some interviews and I told Jason & Brandon to come.

I was in the middle and swung my arms around their shoulders. "MISTER X!" The paparazzi's yelled which made us laugh. I kissed Jason's cheek and we did some funny pictures. Lastly I did some pictures with only Jason and after that we did interviews.

"Hey Rosalie," the interviewer said as she hugged me. "Hey," I greeted happily. "So we heard you had an accident at the fair what happened?" She asked me curious.

"Okay so they had problems suddenly and the rollercoaster stopped. The brakes broke one by one and I was the last up on that rollercoaster. I needed to jump in an air mattress and I was so damn scared. I stood on the rails as the rollercoaster crashed down and I lost my balance, fell unconscious and fell."

"That sound horrible. Are you okay though?" She asked shocked. "I'm all good. It was shocking and emotional but everyone is safe and healthy," I said with a grin.

I went to my next interview. "So, we heard you have designed a new clothing line for teens with Jeff Stone?" The interviewer asked me excitedly.

"Yes, we released our first theme a few days ago and we are still about to finish everything. It's hard work and we'll definitely need some more time but it'll be worth it at the end," I answered smiling.

The interview went on and on and I went to the next one. They asked the same questions about the accident at the fair, my clothing line with Jeff Stone and of course...

"So Mister X is that handsome guy standing over there?" She asked giggling. "Yep, his name is Jason and you wouldn't believe me but he was one of my best friends who actually died in the plane crash more then a year ago. I don't want to go into detail since it's personal but I'm glad he's here," I told her grinning.

"And he's also a model for your new clothing line right?"

"Yes, I didn't know that he tried to get in and I was shocked but Jeff said he would fit perfectly so we decided to let him model and since a model got sick I needed to help out at the photo shoot," I explained to her.

"You two are really cute together and the Hashtag Josa is already all over twitter," she told me chuckling before I left to my family. I waited with Ryland, Brandon & Jason until R5 was all done.

We walked into the building and took our seats. I sat next to Jason & Rydel as I heard a girly scream coming from a really familiar girl. I jumped up and jumped in her arms. "Maddie! It's been so long!" I exclaimed as other celebrities were just staring at us.

"I know! So Mister X? And what happened at the fair and oh my god you have a clothing line?" She asked put of breath. I told her everything and stuff and she was shocked.

I met so much old friends who I didn't saw for like a year. "Rydel!" I whispered/yelled. "Yea?" She asked me curious. "Look who the hell is sitting next to Jason!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"Why don't you just talk to him?" She asked giggling. "He's one of the biggest stars in the business. I'm nervous!" "Hey Ed," I heard my boyfriend saying to one of my favorite artists of all time.


Ed Sheeran is bae <3

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