|| Chapter 83 ||

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Rosalie's POV.

"Rosa please, I didn't mean to hurt you because of me leaving you," Rydel said as she teared up.

I saw the women from the room service and she gave me my drinks and food. I thanked her and told her to write it on the bill. "I'm hungry so maybe you should go," I suggested.

"Rosa please we need to talk," she begged but I shook my head. "Not now Rydel, maybe in a few days you can come back but for now, give me some time to think," I said and closed the door.

"Who was it?" I heard Jason's sleepy voice as he yawned. "Rydel, oh and I ordered room service," I told him and placed the pizza in front of us on the couch table. I gave him his soda and his kissed my cheek.

"Thanks, why was Rydel here?" He asked as I looked at the screen to see 'A' behind Spencer. "Watch out!" I said which made Jason laugh. "They can't hear you babe." I shrugged and watched carefully.

"So why was Rydel here?" Jason repeated the question. "To talk or something but I told her to go because I was hungry and I told her to let me time and come back in a few days or something," I informed Jason.

I took a slice of pizza and shove it into my mouth as I crossed my legs and enjoyed the taste of it.


Three days later I was glad Rydellington didn't showed up. It was already a little late but Jason wanted to go to the beach. He handed me a dress to change into and I didn't understand at all.

He wore a plain white shirt with green shorts and we made our way to the beach. Suddenly he stopped and blind folded me. "Jason what are you doing?" I asked freaking out in the inside. "It's a surprise," he said and took my hand as I clung onto him.

After a few minutes walk he stopped and went behind me. "You ready?" He asked and I nodded. He took the blind fold away and I gasped. "Oh my god, did you do that?" I asked as I looked at the little table with candles and rose petals on the sand and table.

"Yea I did it when you were asleep earlier but I got help from a few people who work at the hotel," he said with a smile. "Thank you, it's beautiful," I said with a huge grin.

He sat me on the stool and sat down on the other stool as well. A few minutes later a women came and brought us food. I thanked her and she winked and smiled. We ate spaghetti and talked a lot.

"Thank you a lot," I thanked him lots of times. "That's not all," he said as he stood up and took my hands to pull me up. I raised my eyebrow in confusion and heard slow music playing.

"Can I have this dance?" He asked and I giggled and nodded. We fooled around because neither of us could dance. I tripped on his foot maybe ten times or more. We laughed the whole time until he stopped and held my hands in his, looking directly into my eyes.

"Rosa, the last three years was the best time I had in my entire life. The coincidence that we met each other in the park was a chance from one to a billion. I was the luckiest guy on earth as we kissed the first time and I still an the luckiest guy because you're amazing. Of course we had ups and downs but that's normal in a relationship ship. I never want to loose you again. I'm in love with you Rosalie."

Tears filled my eyes immediately and I let put a sob as he got on one knee. He took a little box from his back pocket and opened it to reveal the beautifulest ring in this world.

"So Rosa, Will you marry me?"

I was shocked but I needed to answer. I nodded rapidly, "YES!" I cried out as he sighed in relief and slipped the ring on my finger. He got up and I hugged him tightly whispering, "Yes Yes Yes!"

We heard clapping but I ignored it and he lifted me up and spun me around. "I love you so much," I whispered in his ear. "I love you so much too," he replied and let me back on my feet. He leaned down as I leaned up until our lips met.

He had his arms around my waist while mine were around his neck. Our lips moved in sync and we pulled away to see some strangers clapping, cheering and whatnot.

I giggled as he rubbed his nose against mine. "We should go back and celebrate us in our bed," Jason whispered and I could feel him smirking. "Dirty little boy," I said laughing as I shook my head.

"But that's a good idea," I added and he smirked before we ran to our hotel room hand in hand. He opened the door and I saw rose petals on our bed. "Aww," I blushed and smiled widely.

He kicked the door close and attacked me with a kiss. I giggled and he pushed us onto the bed. "I think that needs to go off," he whispered and gestured to my dress. "You think?" I asked and stood up so I was standing on the bed.

I took the ends of my dress and pulled it up and over my head before I threw it on the floor. Suddenly Jason took my legs which made my fall on my butt. I bursted out laughed along with Jason.

We're so childish in bed. Yea I mean that isn't our first time, or second...


They're engaged 🙌🏼😱💕💍 YAY

I'm not gonna write the following part. Y'all know what's coming so I just skip that ;)

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