Infinity 3 - Two New Soldiers

Start from the beginning

That afternoon, I was at the arcade before Usagi and met up with the other girls before she got there. We were talking about a dream we had last seemed as if we each had the same one. "Hey guys." Usagi greeted, approaching us. "What's wrong? You all look so serious."

"We were talking about a dream we had last night." Mako said. "It was kind of upsetting."

"I think upsetting is putting it mildly." I commented. "It was downright disturbing."

"What?" Usagi wondered. "Did it have to do with Talismans?"

"So you had it to?" Ami asked.

"All of us having the same dream on the same night can't be coincidence." Rei stated.

"Look! Mimi Hanyu is giving a concert at the new dome!" Someone cried. We all looked to see a pair od posters on the wall, one for Michiru and the other for this Mimi girl. "Aw! But it's only for Mugen kids..."

"If I could I'd transfer to Mugen Academy just to be able to go." A boy said.

"That is a perfect idea!" Minako cheered.

"What are you talking about?" Usagi asked.

"The very first act to grace the stage at the new Mugen Academy Dome." Minako said, holding up a poster. "Will be none other than the ultra-fabulous superstar Mimi Hanyu!"

"Who's Mimi Hanyu?"

"What!? Are you serious Usagi!? She's only like the best-selling teen pop idol in Japan! You had to have seen her commercials. I have to go to her concert, it'll be so awesome!"

"Mina, now is not the time to be a rabid fangirl." Artemis scolded.

"Why not?" Minako wondered. "If I sneak into her concert and spy on Mugen Academy at the same time, it kills two birds with one stone!"

"Hey, look at that." Topaz pointed out, leaping onto my shoulder to get a better look at the other poster. "Michiru Kaioh is performing on the same day as Mimi."

"Maybe I should go." Usagi wondered.

"To see Mimi Hanyu's concert?" Minako asked.

"Mimi's concert is for Mugen Students only, Minako." I reminded her. I looked at Usagi. "If you want, you can come with me and the twins to see Michiru."

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" Malachite asked.

"Well, the other day I was talking to Michiru about Professor Tomoe, and she gave me four tickets to her recital." I explained, lifting the tickets that I had in my pocket. "I was going to ask you later today."

"Oh well...I have tickets too." Usagi pulled out a stack of tickets. "I have enough for everyone to go."

"Michiru plays so beautifully." Ami said. "I'd love to hear more."

"Yeah, me too." Mako agreed. "Let's all go check it out."

"I'm in." Rei added. "And who knows, maybe we'll learn something about the Talismans."

"As long as we're together, we'll be fine." Usagi assured.

"But I wanna see Mimi Hanyu!" Minako whined.

"Mina..." Artemis sighed.

Later that week, Mamoru, the twins and I were all waiting for the other girls in the waiting area outside of the recital hall

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Later that week, Mamoru, the twins and I were all waiting for the other girls in the waiting area outside of the recital hall. Mamoru was wearing his suit from his Tuxedo mask outfit, bar the hat, mask and cape, Chibi-Usa was wearing a pink dress over a white shirt and Chibi-Kumi was wearing a white dress shirt that was tucked into a green skirt that was held up by matching suspenders. I was dressed in a dark green slip dress with a pale green silk shawl over my shoulders. I had my broach pinned under the shawl to hide it. The other girls then arrived, and I couldn't help but flush a little when I saw Usagi. She was wearing a pink dress with a flower on her waist. Soon enough, we were all in the concert hall, applauding as Michicu walked onstage. She put her violin on her shoulder and started to play, the melody washing over me like a gentle wave at the beach. However, about midway through the song, Michiru stopped. She then just turned and walked offstage without a second thought, and the curtains closed. "What's going on?" Mako asked.

"It's over already?" Rei wondered. Next to me, Usagi's wristwatch started to beep.

"Usagi?" Minako called. I only then realised that the idol-obsessed girl was nowhere to be found.

"Where are you Minako?" Usagi asked.

"Mimi Hanyu is one of the deathbusters! Get over here, quick!" My friends and I looked at each other and nodded. We transformed quickly and rushed to Minako's location. We passed by a bunch of Mugen students and entered the newly built hall to see Venus fighting against three Atavisims.

"Mars Snake Fire!" Mars shouted, shooting of a stream of flames toward the Atavisims.

"Jupiter Coconut Cyclone!" Jupiter echoed, shooting the bal lof lightning forward.

"Mercury Aqua Mirage!" The torrent of water hit the last Atavisim. They managed to knock the Atavisims back and away from Venus.

"Just in time." Venus sighed.

"Neo-Queen Serenity!" Sailor Moon chanted, her Heart Moon Rod appearing in her gasp. "Lend your power to my Heart Moon Rod! Moon Spiral Heart Attack!" A large heart shot toward the Atavisims, destroying them and their eggs with ease. Chibi-Moon and Chibi-Earth rushed up to the students, asking if they were ok.

"Curse you!" Mimi shrieked. "Take this!" Out the corner of my eye, I saw Mimi shoot a ball of energy towards the twins. I shot forward, pulling the two out of the way of the blast.

"Deep Submurge!" A new voice shouted. The energy exploded behind me.

"World Shaking!" Another shouted. I heard Mimi's cries as she died.

"It's you!" Sailor Moon gasped. I turned to see who she was talking about, and I was surprised to see the unknown Sailor Guardians standing on stage.

"Protected by Neptune. The outer planet of the sea." The teal-haired girl announced. "Guardian of the deep sea. I am Sailor Neptune!"

"Protected by Uranus. The outer planet of the wind." The blonde declared. "Guardian of the Heavens. I am Sailor Uranus!"

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