Let Me Tell You Two Things

Start from the beginning

"Seriously...?" Hyuga flinched at that.

You turned to the second-years, "I better get going as well my friends actually want to meet up for—"

"LET'S GO (Y/N)! WE GOT SOME BREAD TO BUY!" Rin was seen zooming past the second-years and grabbed onto your zoom without stopping, dragging you behind her as she made her way to the cafeteria, "AAAAAH!!" Your yell could be heard from afar.

That made the second-years of the basketball worry over you, "It's like she got kidnapped..." they said in unison.

"Rin! Stop running in the hallways! And please, let go of (Y/N)! She'll end up passing out or something!" Emiko was seen trying to catch up to Rin and you but couldn't.

"So sorry about that, Rin gets a little too excited when it comes to limited-time foods. We'll bring back your manager in one piece! I hope..." Emiko bowed to the club before running after her friends, "RIN! COME BACK!"

Mitobe was even more worried when seeing you being dragged away at Mach 10, "Don't worry! Her other friend told us she'll be fine and back in one piece." Koganei assured Mitobe.

"You forgot the way she said 'I hope'..." Izuki sweat dropped while Hyuga sighed dramatically.

"Are you serious?" Kagami and the other first years were surprised at how many people there were.

"Lady, gimme an Iberian pork sandwich!"

"Iberian! Gimme Iberian!"

"What are you doing? That hurts!"

"Hey, don't push me!"

"This—-This is chaos." Fukuda merely said.

Kawahara stepped up, "We have to go. Three times the strength training and footwork will kill us. Okay, I'll go first! I might not be as strong as Kagami, but I'm pretty confident in my power."

"Don't die!" Fukuda worried about his friend when he went in.

Kawahara was seen yelling out a war cry before he was merely pushed aside. Comically flying away from the crowd of students.

"You're unbelievably useless!"

"Now that I take a better look, this is going to take more than a little power," Fukuda stated making the team confused by his statement.

"The rugby team's forwards. The American football team's linemen. Sumo and weight lifting. We're supposed to get past these guys?" Fukuda listed off the people that seemed too difficult to get past.

Kagami smiled in excitement at that, "Sounds interesting. Let's do this!" He ran head first into the crowd, able to push past some students he tried to use more force to get through.

But it wasn't enough as Kagami was pushed back and fell on his behind, "This is Japanese lunchtime rush!" He surprisingly said it in English. (This scene just made me cackle!)

"Kagami..." Kawahara muttered.

"You're acting American now?" Fukuda asked.

"We've got to go together." Kawahara stated, Furihata and Fukuda preparing to go with him, "Seirin, fight!"

They all went in together but we're all blown away by the crowd as well...But they didn't give up, they went in for the second time but no results have changed. They tried for the third time but it was the same as before...

"This isn't easy!" They all said, their uniforms tattered in bruises and wrinkled from being tossed around.

"We've gotta take our chances. Sorry, Fukuda!" Kagami held Fukuda by the back of his uniform and threw him in the crowd like a performer would in America mostly.

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