Walk away from me like always- Momo

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Momo and you were in an on again off again relationship. You were tired from all this bullshit. She knew it too. When she would break up with you she saw the light in your eyes fade slowly.


"Be honest is there another girl?"

Momo stayed silent after that. Momo only used you after her true love would leave. Momo saw a bit of the other girl in you. Or maybe you were the other girl.

"Fucking with you isn't fun anymore. I'm done with this. I'm ending this relationship. We're over."

When Momo heard this her eyes widened. You had never talked like this to her. She lowkey liked it but didn't want to say anything.

"Y/n baby...I'm sorry but I-"

Momo was cut off from you slamming your hand on the table. You looked upset.

"Momo I'm done with this! I'm tired of loving you just to lose you!"

You had tears in your eyes but didn't dare to let them fall. Momo heart started to shatter piece by piece when she saw what her actions did.

She ruined a girl that once loved her dearly. How could she be so inconsiderate? No wonder you hate her. She hates herself for doing this to you. She thought you liked it.

She hated everything about herself in that one moment.

"Get out."

You turned away from her as she stood up and grabbed her jacket. She walked towards the door to see you being torn apart from this. She saw how you didn't want to cry in front of her.

She wanted to kiss you but knew that it would make it worse. So she did what you asked. She did what she does best.

Walked away.

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