(Ch. 26) Amity Calamity

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-TWs- abuse mentions

Amity POV

Amity tossed and turned in her bed. This had been happening every night for months but tonight it was worse. Her nightmare was worse than normal and everywhere she went she saw her dead friends. She ran around in the darkness, feeling forgotten and alone. 

Then she woke up in sweat and tears. 

Another nightmare... When is this going to end, i'm so sick of these. 

Amity stood up and slowly made her way downstairs to get some breakfast. Alador was already down there talking with Darius, who had just recently moved in. Amity nodded to them, grabbed a bagel and walked out the door. 

Talking to Luz should make me feel better. 

As Amity walked she found her thoughts straying to the events of the previous nights. 

I hope Willow is recovering ok... and that Luz isn't blaming herself for this like she does with everything else.

Then her thoughts wandered to something she didn't want to think about, but with nothing else distracting her very much her wouldn't let her not think about him. 

Hunter... I wonder how he's doing especially after... Belos and all that. Willow said he had been abused and from how he looked when he rescued him that is definitely true. Titan I have way too much in common with him. 

Amity arrived at The Owl House and knocked on the door. Hooty wasn't there surprisingly but Amity was glad because she didn't want to deal with the owl tube right now. Luz opened the door and beamed with happiness at seeing her girlfriend. 

"Sweet Potato!!" Luz yelled giving Amity a loving hug. Luz looked a bit run down with her hair all messy and her still being in her pajamas. 

"Hey Luz. I was just coming to check up on you and Willow." Amity responded returning the hug. Luz nodded and then let Amity inside. As they walked into the living room together Amity saw Hunter and Willow on the couch together. 

If Willow is downstairs that must mean she's recovering well. 

Amity was about to say something to Luz but Luz put a finger on her lips signaling to be quiet. 

"We don't want to wake them up. Hunter's been having a hard time sleeping lately and Willow discovered that when she's there he doesn't have nightmares as often." Luz whispered so quiet Amity could barely hear what she was saying. They walked into the kitchen and shut the door. 

"Ok we can talk a bit louder now." Luz said sitting at the table with Amity. 

"What happened with Hunter? I mean besides the whole Belos thing." Amity asked in curiosity but also in a bit of fear of what happened. Luz looked nervous and began to look around frantically. 

"Well... Um... Its kinda... But... Willow... Willow said she ba-barely saved Hunter when he... well... he tried to-to commit... s-suicide..." Luz went quiet and Amity didn't say anything.  after a long time of silence Amity spoke up. 

"S-Suicide? But w-why?" 

"He blames himself for everything that has happened lately even though we all know its my fault." Luz replied with a sigh. Amity forced Luz to look at her in the eyes. 

"You need to understand it's not your fault either." 

"But I didn't keep a close eye on him and that's why kikimora was able to kidnap him!" Luz protested looking away from Amity's eyes. She made Luz look at her again.

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