(Ch. 8) Never Going Back

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-TWs- talk of almost dying idk

Hunter POV

Everything felt so fuzzy. It hurt so much, everywhere. Hunter groaned.

Where am I...

He opened his eyes slowly and screamed when he saw Luz leaning over his face watching him.

"HUMAN!!! That is very rude to watch people sleep!! Wait a second!!" Hunter paused. "What am I doing with you!?!?! Where am I!?!?!" 

Hunter started panicking and tried to stand up.

"Woah woah woah!! I'm sorry I startled you! I guess I shouldn't have been watching you that closely when you were passed out." Luz said pushing Hunter back onto the couch. Hunter tried to get up again.

"Passed out!?! Where am I, Human!!! A-Are you using me as a hostage or something!?!" Raine ran into the room and brightened up. 

"Oh my Titan I was so worried! Darius would have killed me if you hadn't survived!!" They exclaimed running over to where Hunter and Luz were grappling. 

"What do you mean 'hadn't survived'!! I feel fine!!!" Hunter told Raine while still trying to stand up while Luz was trying to get him to stay sitting.

"Hunter you're not fine!!" Luz yelled. "Raine said they found you passed out half-dead in your room!!" Hunter looked at her for a second before remembering what happened.

Was I that close to death?

He remembered how bloody his face had looked before passing out in the bathroom. 

"I-I-I-" Hunter looked down at the ground feeling ashamed that he had to be saved by others. 

That was weak passing out. I'm pathetic for needing help.

"Well..." Raine said breaking Hunter's train of thought. "We might as well start heading back to the castle if you're patched up and feeling better." Hunter froze and then started shaking. 

Anywhere. Anywhere but there. I never want to go back. I don't matter, I'm just a replaceable copy, I'm useless.

Luz and Raine both noticed Hunter shaking uncontrollably and exchanged worried glances. Luz nodded and then placed a hand on Hunter's hand trying to comfort him but he just yanked his hand away wincing at the pain. 

"Look you don't have to go back if you don't want to, I bet Eda would let you stay as long as you want," Luz told him. Raine nodded and agreed. 

"I'm not forcing you to go back. In fact, I'm only going back because I have to, if I had a choice I would ditch the place." Hunter looked at Luz and Raine ashamed for showing too many emotions in front of them. Then he looked at Luz and nodded.

WOOHOOO another chapter is done :)  As of Saturday, I'm going to be leaving on a trip for two weeks, so I'm going to try and get as many chapters as I can out on Thursday and Friday. Hope you survive without an update for that long. 

I'll Always Be A Failure | Hunter Angst | The Owl HouseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang