(Ch. 9) Stay Safe Or Else

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-TW's- Kissing??? (I don't know some people might not like it)


Eda was sitting in the kitchen deep in thought. She was staring at the broken plate trying to wrap her head around what had just happened.

What the titan is going on with that kid? First the plate, then the blood I saw at the window, then Raine barging in here with him being half dead. 

Just then Luz ran into the room breaking Eda's train of thought. Eda stood up and addressed Luz. 

"How's he doing?" 

"He's alive and awake so that's a good sign. Anyway, can Hunter stay here?!" Luz exclaimed.


"Well he seemed too scared to go back to the castle so I offered him a place here!"

"He didn't want to go back..." Eda thought about it.

He probably got all those injuries from someone at the castle so makes sense. The poor boy probably has lots of trauma.

Luz looked at her with begging eyes.

"What! I'm not going to say no, of course he can stay!! I'm not a monster!!" Eda told Luz.

"Well technically you are a monster but I get your point," Luz said running out of the room. Eda chuckled knowing she was referring to the owl beast and then she resumed staring at the plate. She just couldn't get the picture of Hunter crying and bleeding at the window out of her head. 

Whatever I do I'm going to keep him safe. If he keeps getting hurt like that...

Eda sat in thought for a bit before standing up and going into the living room. She walked in and saw Raine and Luz talking to Hunter who seemed to be having a panic attack. 

"Woah woah calm down... Eda said you can stay!!" Eda heard Luz tell him. Eda walked up to Raine and pulled them aside into the kitchen. 

"Raine. What are we going to do once the Emporer notices that the kid is gone." Eda asked. Raine looked at her with a worried look. 

"I don't know. Whatever happened to Hunter was bad and we don't need it to happen again. Stay under the radar and keep Hunter away from the castle at all costs." Eda nodded and then spoke again.

"Why were you pretending to forget about the fight with Darius and Eberwolf." Raine sighed and sat down.

"Well, Darius and Eber are both against the Emporer as well. I pretended to forget so I could continue spying on the coven to gather information before the day of unity." Eda sat down next to them smiling sadly. 

"Just glad you did it for a good reason." Both of them sat in silence listening to Luz calm Hunter down over in the other room before Raine spoke again. 

"I also forgot so I could protect you and the kids. I didn't know you were taking care of Luz and King and I guess I was just afraid of losing you. But when I found Hunter like that I knew someone at the castle had done that so I didn't want to risk bringing him to the healing wing and I guess you were the only other person I could think of that would know a healer skilled enough. Thank you for helping Hunter, I don't know what Darius would have done to me if he... you know. I'm sorry Eda..." Eda looked at Raine and could see the guilt in their eyes. She reached forward and placed her hand on their cheek making them look at her. 

"Hey... Don't blame yourself for what happened to Hunter, blame whoever did that to him. When you go back to the castle try to figure out more about who could have done that to him." Raine nodded at Eda and then turned to head towards the door but Eda grabbed their wrist pulling them back. 

"Stay safe Rainstorm or else you'll answer to me." She told them and then she did something uncalled for. 

Eda kissed Raine. 

After about a minute both of them broke apart staring at each other in shock before both of their faces turned red. Raine walked clumsily toward the door. 

"I-I-I- g-g-gotta g-go..." Then they ran out of the room so flustered they could barely speak. Eda sat down still in shock at what she had done. 

Raeda? YES >:) I just made all of you scream and you know it. 

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