(Ch. 2) You need to eat for once

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-TW's- Eating Disorder, Blood

Darius POV

Darius was eating at the breakfast table with the other covenheads when he noticed Hunter wasn't here.

Hmmm. Strange. Normally Hunter is the first one here, I mean he never sleeps.

Darius grabbed a plate of food and got up, deciding to go check on the dang kid. 

Hunter's gonna get himself killed someday with all those missions Belos sends him on.

Darius's train of thought was broken when he noticed a little splatter of blood on the floor. He quickly moved around the puddle. 

Hmmm. Whys there blood there...

Darius continued on until he was at Hunters room.

Hunter POV

Hunter heard a knock on the door.

"Nobody's here!!" Hunter said in a panicked voice. He hurriedly put on his mask and pulled down his sleeves to hide the scars and cuts. He heard Darius's voice from the other side of the door.

Crap, I can't let him see me like this!!

"I know you're in there little prince. Now open up, I brought you something to eat." 

"I'm not hungry Darius!"

"Yes you are and I know it. Now open up young man or I'll force the door down."

"O-Ok... f-fine." Hunter said, his voice still shaky. He felt woozy and faint from the loss of blood and as he was going to the door he fell and the last thing he saw was black.

Darius POV

Darius heard a thud from inside Hunter's room. 

"Little prince?" Darius opened the door and walked inside. As soon as he saw Hunter passed out on the floor he rushed over to him. Hunter's palismen, Flapjack, was chirping like mad. 

Oh my freaking goodness

Darius started shaking Hunter to try and get him up. 

"Little prince!! Hunter!! Get up!!" He noticed that Hunter was wearing his mask. 

I thought he only wore that on missions?

Hunter POV

Hunter heard Darius's voice above him and started to open his eyes. Darius looked panicked and scared. 

"W-Whats w-w-wrong D-Darius..." Hunters voice sounded tired and woozy. He was shaking uncontrollably.

"You passed out little prince." 

" I-I'm f-fine D-Darius... Stop c-calling m-me t-that..." Darius looked concerned and then he took out a plate of food. 

"You're not fine and you need to eat something. I swear you're getting skinner every day. Here I got you some food from the breakfest table." Darius said as Hunter looked at the food.

"I'm not hungry..." He stared at the food not wanting to eat it at all. Darius shoved the food into his hands with a stern face.

"You need to eat."

Darius POV

Darius looked at Hunter while he kept refusing to eat. 

"Eat it Hunter or i'll force it down your throat." Darius said. Hunter continued to refuse the food.

"I'm not hungry Darius... I'm fine." Hunter kept saying. Darius suddenly noticed a tiny bit of blood seeping out of Hunter's mask. 

Whats that blood from?

"Hunter. Take off your mask."

Hunter POV

As soon as Darius told Hunter to take off his mask he jumped up. 

"N-NO! Ummmm Belos requires it to be on at all times." Hunter tried to use as an excuse.

UGGgGh That wasn't good enough of a lie!! I can't let Darius see any of the cuts otherwise he'll start worrying about me and Uncle could punish me more.

Darius gave Hunter a disapointed look but didn't push it. 

"Ok... I need to go since I have a meeting. Just saying i'm here for you if you ever need someone. Also eat the food or else." With that Darius walked out of the room leaving Hunter and Flapjack. Hunter looked at the food before picking it up and bringing it to the window. He threw it out the window as hard as he could.

No way anyone is getting me to eat.

I just realized I switch between Hunter and Darius alot

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