(Ch. 19) Taken

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-TWs- Fighting, etc.

Hooty POV (Cause I can hehehe)

"Hooty HOOT HOOT!! Just chillin outside the house! YEP! ME! Protecting everyone!! OH LOOK A BUG! WAIT NO! Hooty stay focused you need to protect everyone! NO BUGS! I love everyone here and I will keep them all safe! Me, Tha ultimate protector!!! HOOTTT!"

Just then there was a big explosion over in the forest.

"WHAT WAS THAT! I must protect everyone! Off I go to save them!!! HOOT!"

And Hooty went off into the forest, unknowingly leaving the house unguarded.

Hunter POV

Hunter was sitting in the living room bored out of his mind. Luz was at school with everyone else and Lilith was off at some new mueseum exibit opening or something like that. Eda was in the kitchen with King, but Hunter didn't really feel like talking to them.

He could hear Hooty talking to himself which made him laugh a little bit. He had been thinking alot about the events of the last couple days. He thought about Luz and the others.

I wonder what Hexside is like. What does Luz and Willow do there? Learning about magic and stuff I guess. Kinda sounds interesting though.

Suddenly the front of the house exploded and Hunter was blasted back off the couch. His vision was blurry from the smoke but he could make out the shapes of coven scouts and Kikimora's abomination robot.

No... How did they find me! Oh no no no no no. I'm dead I'm dead.

Hunter tried to stand up but the explosion had injured him and it hurt too much. Kikimora stepped forward with a grin on her face.

"Well well well. Look what we have here... None other than the golden guard."

Hunter started panicking, he didn't know what to do, so he tried to yell for Eda.

"EDA! EDA! EDA! ED-" His yell was cut off by a scout hitting him across the head.

"Stop yelling or you'll make it harder for me brat." Kikimora spat out. Hunters blurry vision was starting to take over when he felt scouts grabbing him. He tried to resist but he felt too weak.

Im done for... This is the end.


There was an explosion and Eda was on the floor with King both of them struggling to get up.

"EDA! EDA! EDA! ED-" She heard Hunter yell. King and Eda exchanged looks and they were both thinking the same thing.

Hunters in trouble.

Eda doubled her efforts to get up and finnaly stood. She ran to the living room and saw that Hunter was being aprehended by scouts. His face was full of fear and when he spotted Eda he tried to yell.

"Eda don't let them take me! He's going to kill me!"

Eda went into Harpy mode and tried to fight off the scouts but she was still weak from the explosion. The scouts just blasted her with magic and she went down.


The last thing she saw before passing out was scouts and Kikimora taking Hunter away.


Luz, Willow, Gus, and Amity were walking back to The Owl House after school.

"School was great today. I think I nailed it in abomination class. Right Luz?" Amity asked.

Luz didn't respond as she was staring at the disater in front of them.

What the titan happened.

Everyone was in shock, all of them staring at the house. The front of it was blasted in and Luz could see smoke.

"Eda! Hunter! King!" Luz panicked running inside quickly followed by Amity, Gus, and Willow.

"Eda! Hunter! King!" Luz called out trying to find them in the rubble.

No no no no no! What happened! WHERE ARE THEY!!

Then Luz heard a cough over by the couch and she ran over there to see Eda.

"Eda!!" She kneeled down next to Eda and began shaking her.

"Eda Eda Eda wake up please..."

Eda coughed and opened her eyes slightly and then closing them again. Luz shook Eda some more and she groaned.

"Eda what happened!!"

Eda groaned again before silently saying something.

"T-T-They t-t-took h-h-him... Y-You n-need t-t-to g-get h-him b-before i-its t-too late."

"Who took him?!" Luz tried to ask but Eda went silent again. Amity anwsered for Eda instead.

"Coven Scouts." She said throwing a scout helmet to Luz.

"This is bad... Gus call Viney so we don't lose Eda?" Gus nodded and took out his Penstagram to call Viney. Willow stepped up next to Luz looking panicked.

"Hunter is back at the castle?! With Belos!?" Willow asked. Luz nodded her expression grim.

"Who knows what he'll do with him..." Luz replied.

Willow was getting more and more panicked at the second.

She knows something. Its making her panick and it makes me want to panick even more.

Luz looked Willow in the eyes and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Willow. What do you know thats making you this panicked." Luz said making Willow sweat.

"He said I couldn't tell anyone and I don't want to betray his trust." Willow replied.

"Yeah but if its important enough that we might need to know it to save him we need to know."

Willow sighed and sat down on the half exploded couch.

"You know when you described that time Raine brought Hunter to you guys and he was hurt like crazy? Well Hunter told me t-t-that... t-t-that B-B-B-Belos d-d-did t-t-that..." Willow broke down in tears.

"Wait. So Hunters been abused and he didn't tell me! I could have helped... to think he's been coping with this... probably for his whole life." Luz said and Amity stepped up to her, giving her a hug from behind and speaking.

"And now he's back at the castle... With Belos who..."

They all knew the end of that sentence.

Everyone sat in silence for a while before it was broken by the sound of King stumbling into the room.

"L-Luz? I-Is t-that you?" King called as Luz jumped up and ran to him.

"You're ok! Oh Thank Titan!" Luz yelled as King jumped into her arms crying.

"Is E-Eda a-and Hunter g-going to b-be ok?"

"I don't know buddy... I-I-I d-don't know." Luz replied also breaking into tears. 

Another really long chapter ahhh. Might get Ch. 20 out today idk

I'll Always Be A Failure | Hunter Angst | The Owl HouseKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat