(Ch. 17) Revenge

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Kikimora POV

Kikimora was at the market, spying on her worst enemys through her binaculars while cackling evily.

"Finnaly I have you golden guard. Finnaly you will pay for everything you've done to me. I can get my revenge at last!!"

"Woah woah woah quiet down Kikidora or they might hear you." The scout captain whispered.

"My name is Kikimora not Kikidora!"

"Ok Kikiflora."

UGGGGGGG. Why do they always get my name wrong! Well Anyway if that little golden brat is hiding out at The Owl Lady's house then this should be a breeze. No more brat to stop and outshine me. I can finnaly take my rightful place at the head of the coven...

"Uh Kikilora? You there?" The scout captain said trying to get Kikimora's attention.


"The Owl Lady and the Golden Guard have disapeared..."

Kikimora sighed in annoyance.

"I don't care. You think we could have ambushed right now? Two against all of them? We need back up and a plan, then we can storm the house and take him."

"Oki. That makes more sense."

"You can be so stupid sometimes. Lets just get back to the castle already so we can make our plan."

Back at the castle cause i'm too lazy to write the journey :b

Kikimora was in her room forming out the ultimate rvenge plan.

The human and her friends will be at school so thats taken care of. Lilith should be at her mom's house but if she isn't we can lure Lilith away with some nerdy thing that she won't beable to resist. The Owl Lady and the dog should be easy to take care of with scouts but the owl worm tube needs a distraction to get him away from the house. Thats should be easy. Then we can sneak in and take them by suprise.

Kikimora smiled evily.

Finnaly I can rise to where I belong

I know I said I wouldn't do another chapter but I wanted to so yeah :b

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