(Ch. 6) Feeling Faint

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(Sorry I'm posting this so late at night (well at least in my time zone))

-TWs- Blood

Belos POV

After Hunter left Belos slammed his fist into the wall, hitting it harder and harder just letting his anger out.

"Ooooooo someones maaaaad." The Collector taunter him. 

"SHUT UP!! If he heard our conversation I'm done for!!" Belos said in anger. 

It might be nice just to start new with this grimwalker. The Ingredients though... I've been having a hard time getting them and I don't know how long It can last until the day of unity. I'll have to make sure Hunter didn't hear me talking to the Collector and if he did... well... I can take care of that...

Hunter POV

Hunter was sitting in his room trying to stop the bleeding but Belos had hit him harder than usual so it was hard to wrap everything with bandages without it bleeding through in a second.  His eye hurt a lot and he couldn't see out of it. He looked down at his leg and thought he could see the bone. Everything hurt. Flapjack was chirping around like mad.

"Chirp chirp chirp!! (WTH HAPPENED)"

"I'm ok Flap. I-I'll be f-fine. It's j-just a small c-cut. I-I'm fine. T-This h-happeneds all t-the time." He tried telling himself.

I mean it's not like I just found out I'm a copy of someone else. It's not like I just found out my entire life is a lie and that Belos has been lying to me since the very beginning. This has to be a dream. It has to be!!

The pain told Hunter otherwise. His vision was getting blurry and his head hurt. He staggered around the room leaning on the wall for support trying to get to the bathroom. He looked down at his hands and could barely see them. He looked into the mirror and saw a bloody mess looking back. His vision was getting so blurry he could barely even see. Flapjack was chirping like mad.

"I-I-I j-just g-gotta h-hold o-o-on!! I-I-I'll b-be f-f-fine!!! I-I'm f-f-fine!!!" Hunter was panicking. His vision was going black and he could barely steady himself. He caught one last glimpse of his bloody face before passing out cold into blackness.

Raine POV

Raine was taking a stroll around the castle. It was nice to get some peace and quiet away from Terra once in a while. They were walking past a door when they heard frantic chirping. 

What was that?

Raine pressed their ear against the door and could hear more chirping. It sounded panicked and loud. They opened the door and looked around. It looked like someones bedroom. The chirping sounded like it was coming from the bathroom. They noticed some blood on the floor that also led to the bathroom.

What the heck!?! Is that blood!?!

Raine ran over to the bathroom and stepped inside. 

Oh my freaking goodness...

There was blood, lots of blood. They rushed over to the person passed out on the floor and tried to wipe the blood off his face. 

"H-Hunter? Hunter!!!" 

There was lots of blood. They didn't know what to do. 

Darius said Hunter was acting weird, but this is on a whole other level...

Raine rolled Hunter over to inspect what was making him bleed so much. It looked like one of his eyes were poked out and his left leg and side had been stabbed through. This kid needed medical assistance idmeadiantly or he's gonna bleed to death. 

Maybe the healing wing? No, that would be to dangerous. Those healers might not save him in time. Uggg I don't want to do this and blow my cover but I might have to. She would defineantly know someone talented enough to save Hunter, but its really dangerous. I don't want to do this but I have to if I'm gonna save him. I have to go to Eda. 

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