(Ch. 21) Curiosity Kills

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-TWs- abuse, Belos being a b**** again :b

Casper POV >:)

As Casper left the throne room he swore there was something familiar about the kid that was brought in front of Belos. He hadn't gottan a very good look at the kid but there was something about him that made Casper curious. As Casper layed down on his bed he let his thoughts race.

Why was he so familiar... I feel like I know him though I've never met him.

Casper got up and walked to the bathroom, sighing and looking at his feet. He took notice of some small blood stains on the floor.

Probably from whoever lived in this room last.

Then Casper looked up into the mirror and he realized why that person was familiar. Casper stared at himself looking into his own maganta eyes and realizing that the person had the same eyes.

Was that a relative that was brought in? Why would my Uncle hide that from me...

Casper's curiosity got the better of him and he quickly ran out of his room pulling his cloak and his scout helmat. He ran down to the dungeons where he assumed they would be holding him. He bumped into a scout on the way.

"Oops! Sorry Steve!" Casper apologized.

"Na its good kid, What are you doing down here anyway?"

"Just looking for the prisoner that just came in. Do you know which cell?"

"103, probably the most secure cell we have here." Steve said pointing down a hallway to show the way.

"Thanks Steve!!" Casper said positivily running down the hallway in the direction Steve had pointed. He found cell 103 and inside was the person he was looking for.

He looked almost excatly like Casper and his face was bloody and cut.

"What are you here for... To interagate me again? To summon me to Belos for whatever sick reasons he needs me alive still? You guys should just put me out of my misery already." The prisoner said, not even looking in Caspers direction.

No, just wondering what someone who looks just like me is doing here.

"No, my Uncle doesn't need you. I was just curious whether you would know anything about my past."

"Why would I know anything about a random scout's past."

"Well um... Here I'll show you." Casper replied taking off his scout mask.

Hunter POV

As soon as the scout took off his mask Hunter saw the reason the scout has come. The scout has wavy blonde hair and magenta eyes, a exact copy of Hunter. The dispear set in.

No... Belos has aready made another on...

Hunter jumped up and grabbed the bars startling the scout.

"You need to get out of here! He's going to hurt you! You need to run far, ummm contact someone or something!!" Hunter outbursted.

The scout backed away looking startled.

"Woah woah woah!! I get that you're suprised I look like you but I just came to get some questions anwsered."

"You don't understand! Don't let Belos lie to you!" Hunter yelled, making the scout flinch.

"Maybe I shouldn't have been curious about you..."

Hunter realized he was scaring the new grimwalker.

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