(Ch. 23) Recycling Resources

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-TWs- Blood, Stabbing, Belos being a B**** (Again)

I was kinda high on caffeine while writing this chapter so heres your warning: A character almost dies 

Hunter POV

Hunter had tried to sleep but the thought of Casper kept sneaking into his mind. He just couldn't stop thinking about this new grimwalker.

Sooner or later he'll find out about Belos, but by then he'll be just like me

Two scouts come into view and start unlocking the cell.

"Emporer Beos requests your presence."

What does that idiot want

They grabbed Hunter by the arms and dragged him out of the cell.

This might be a good chance to escape

Hunter suddenly kicked one of the scouts by their ankles knocking them to the floor and then he tried to kick the other scout. The other scout was too qick however and pinned Hunter to the floor before he could do anything.

"Let me go!" Hunter yelled trying to wiggle out of the scouts' grasp. The one scout he had kicked got up from the ground rubbing his ankle.

"I hate this job. Wish I could quit you know." Hunter reconized the scout as Steve and idmeadiantly felt bad.

"Oops. Sorry Steve, I meant to kick him." Hunter replied pointing at the other scout who was pinning him down. The scout dragged Hunter to his feet and continued escorting him to Belos.

They arrived at the room with the portal door. Belos was at a table messing around with a dagger in his hands.

"Leave him over there." Belos said gesturing to a pair of chains near the table. They pull Hunter over there and attach the chains to his wrists.

"Sorry Hunter..." Steve whispered to him as they left.

As soon as they had left the shadow Hunter had seen with Belos last time he was here appeared and was zooming around the room before settling beside Hunter.

"Woah. Is this the old one? I thought you had gotton rid of it like all the others. You know." The shadow demonstrated by moving their fingers across their throat and then pretending to die.

"I know Collector. But lately I've been running out of resources and came to a question... Can I reuse resources that I've already used on an old grimwalker?"

Willow POV

Willow and Darius were following the map Casper had drawn for them. It was cramped in the vent but Willow was willing to do anything to rescue Hunter.

"Let me go!"

Willow stopped moving,

"Darius, that was Hunter. Come on this way." Willow followed Hunter's voice ad once she arrived where she had heard it she looked through the vent cover and saw Hunter fighting with scouts who were dragging Hunter along the hallway. Willow and Darius followed them but after a while they lost their way and came to a dead end in the vent.

"Freaking Titan Fudge Nuggets. Come on we need to find a different way." Willow and Darius turned around and tried to listen for voices again. After a while Willow was starting to give up until she heard Hunter's voice again.

"I don't care anymore Belos. I'd do anything just to end this misery, to get away from you."

Willow looked through the vent cover and saw Belos who was holding a dagger in front of Hunter.

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