"I wanted to show you how proud of you we all are. Beyond proud. Wanted you to have a little celebration that can make you happy and calm before the big day." She shrugs as if everything she's done is not a big deal when it's the nicest most thoughtful thing anyone's ever done for me and I love the shit out of her for it.

"You're amazing. Thank you." I smile as I pull her into me and kiss her passionately on the lips. Never felt so loved by someone in my life. And here I have it. An angel like Harmony, making me feel like the most special guy in the world.

I pull away from her, kissing her forehead and then I go over to my friends saying hi to them and catching up. Circle back to Gio giving him a playful punch, telling him that I'm impressed he kept up the secret. He explains that it was all Harmony's idea and now her absence today makes sense.

Go over to my family. Hug them for a long time. Get a little emotional during it. They've been with me every step of my career and I'm so grateful to them. To have the support system I do. My mum follows me around the world constantly. Adore her for that.

"Harms has another surprise for you." My mum informs as she nods her head in the direction of the door. I turn around to see her walking back in with a massive picture frame.

She comes over to me, the pretty smile of hers is yet to leave her face. She hands me the massive photo frame and it's only then that I actually see what's in it.

It's my football shirt from my first ever debut. My Birmingham City shirt. The one I wore when I first debuted. In the right hand corner is a picture of me and my coach on the day.

I look up at her in shock.

"Harms how did you get this?" I ask

"Asked your mum, called your coach for the picture." She smiles and I think I've fallen even more in love with her.

I pull her into a hug, hold her tight against me. "Thank you." I say. Feel like crying. Love her more than life itself.

"You're welcome." She pulls back a little to see my face. I have actual tears in my eyes. Not a typically emotional guy but this just did it for me.

She cups my face with her hands and just stares into my eyes. She's perfect. Has to be a fallen angel because there's no one like her out there. One of a kind and all mine. How lucky I am.

Kiss her on the lips, hug her again because I just want to hold her in my arms. Then I take her by the hand and walk over to the others to show them what my beautiful girlfriend did for me.




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Judebellingham the bro ❤️ (and the gf )

View comments

username bro couldn't help himself he had to sneak in his girl

username love how obsessed with her you are 😩

username he loves her downnnnn

username favourite couple

username harmony eating you and Toby up is so on brand!!

username harmony the star girl

username Tobes 🫶🏾

username you and Toby are the cutest

username harmony ma'am you're gorgeous @harmony.s

username best looking couple. And Toby x

username there weren't no need to put harmony in this Jude 🤣🤣
username he's obsessed with her
username nah fr he just loves her sm which is so cute
username he loves that woman BAD

Harmony.s thanks for tha feature 😘
Judebellingham thanks for having the prettiest face
username jumping off a cliff
username I'm so single bro
username because no one's doing it like them!

— should I make a playlist for
the Kylian book????

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