
Korosensei: Hehehehe allow me to introduce my trump card of trump cards My absolute defence form

Students: Absolute defence form

Korosensei: this exterior coating is comprised of nano-matrices formed made by surplus energy in essence my body shrinks down to the size you see now and the compressed molecules create a high density protective shell around me 
Why absolute because it's absolutely invincible

Yada: so basically you're as long as you're like this there's pretty much nothing we can do

Korosensei: don't fret my dears it doesn't last long the crystals comprising this shell tend to lose integrity in about a day or so once the bonds break down the shell will expand back into its normal energy form and yours truly will return to full size, this form is extraordinarily useful, but the trade off is complete inability for the duration, I can't propel myself an inch this itself carries its down risks for example said immobility would provide anyone so inclined The perfect opportunity for launching me into space something I rather dread I've done ample research into that however happily nowhere on this island is a rocket capable of making that flight in 24 hours

And that means it's over they failed

Kazuto: well Damn

Kazuto just leaves himself to float but sees karma messing with him by showing him reading porn, putting a sea slug on him and threatening to shove him down an old beach bums trousers

Karasuma: alright that's enough for this one we'll let hq decide the best course of action

Korosensei laughs again: your superiors will opt to throw me in a pool of anti me liquid I'm sure good luck with that the energy displacement would explode as it did earlier anything in the facility will be blown skyhigh, including your superiors

Kazuto: tch

Korosensei: still you should be proud boys and girls entire armies the world over couldn't get as close to killing me as you've done tonight this was by far the cleverest assassination attempt I've ever encountered

They all still pouting

Kazuto: (I drew my sword aiming right for the throat but it was the enough

Kazuto and Rio are sitting at a table together not even talking

Kazuto: I went right for it no hesitation it felt the same as slicing apart those figures in practise but

Rio: you still didn't land your hit


Rio: hey do me a favour can I learn on you for a second

She falls but Kazuto catches her

Kazuto: Rio what the hell is going on talk to me

Rio: I wanted to go to the room but it looks like my body had other ideas

Kazuto looks around and sees the same thing happening to lot of his other classmates such as Okajima

Kazuto: dammit ok Rio do you trust me

Rio: yeah why

Kazuto: this pill is what I take when I do assignments in order to stay awake it basically gives you an energy boost and should hold bakc whagevr this is the only downside is your going to be severely wiped when it wares off

Rio: ok give it here

Kazuto: are you sure?

Rio: hey I said that I trusted you right

The blade within-Assassination classroom x male oc Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora