Part 37 | Family Time (Bonus)

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All the countries decide to spend time with their families after the vacation. They exchange their stories and experiences. They exchange photos and videos. Everyone shared how much fun they had. They even brought back souvenirs to share with their friends and family. Some countries even decide to visit their families. For example, China and his siblings.

"Hey where are we going? I thought you said we're going home," China asked.

"They lied," Taiwan said as he sat in the car next to China.

"We are going to visit our family, everyone is visiting their family and so are we," Macau said happily.

"Um Macau, you do know that you're.." China mumbled.

"Hush! I'm still part of this family! And so is Hong Kong," Macau shushed China.

"好吧好吧 (Okay okay)," China sighed.

Soon they arrived at their father's house. It was very old but they could remember all the memories they had in there. It was those old Qing Dynasty houses. China and his siblings got out of the car and knocked on the door. Qing Dynasty opened the door.

"My sons!" Qing Dynasty smiled.

"Hello dad," the siblings greeted.

"Come in," Qing Dynasty gestured. "So tell me how was your trip."

China and his siblings all shared their experience and photos or videos they took. Most of all, China didn't tell anyone in his family about his relation with North Korea during the trip. Meanwhile with North Korea and Russia, Russia told his father and siblings about what China and North Korea did during the trip. North Korea was so embarrassed that he would constantly punch Russia.

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