Part 1 | Vacation

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It was another day with the Countryhumans. It was Summer and everyone was either bored or sweating in the unbearable heat. Some of the countries decided to pick a place to go on vacation. The countries held a meeting to discuss.

"Hello everyone! Because of the summer, I've concluded that we should all pick a place we'd like to spend for the next 4 weeks," United Nations claimed.

Some countries discussed about the places they'd like to spend the next 4 weeks in. Some said they wanted to go somewhere hot. Some say they want to go somewhere cold. Others say they want to stay somewhere decent. Most of the countries have already decided and left for their destination.  All except for 9 countries.

"We're the only ones left," Japan said.

"I think we should spend the next 4 weeks together to have a closer bond!" South Korea suggested.

"That's a great idea!" New Zealand said.

"So does anyone know where we should stay for the next 4 weeks?" America asked.

"I want to go somewhere cold," Canada said.

"So?" America said.

"No Canada! Let's go to Paris!" New Zealand said.

"But I want to stay somewhere cold..." Canada mumbled.

"Come'on Nada! You don't want to upset mom (France) do you?" America said looking at Canada.

"Fine," Canada agreed.

"Hey what about us!?" Philippines interrupted.

"You guys are going too," America said.

"We didn't agree to any of this," Russia said with his Russian accent.

"I agree with Russia," China said.

"Well too bad we're going to Paris," America said.

"Ugh I'd rather spend my summer burning up in my own country than spend time with you," China murmured under his breath.

"Oh really? Honestly China I thought you'd be spending these 4 weeks with Pakistan so why aren't you with him or did he leave you for someone else?" America said getting into China's business.

"Shut the fuck up 美国 (America)" China shouted.

"Guys, guys, this is supposed to be good and getting a closer bond," South Korea said, trying to stop the two countries.

"Well this Ching Chong dog eater needs to shut the fuck up and mind his business," America yelled.

Everybody else gasped. China got really pissed. He was bolting with anger. He hated America's racist comments about him.

"You've really done it this time," Russia said. "Alright, North hold China back the best you can."

North Korea didn't say a word but nodded.

"You guys just get the trip ready while we get China to calm down, and America, stop with the racist comments. You know China hates that," Russia said.

"Then he should've watched his mouth," America yelled as he was dragged out by his siblings, Canada and New Zealand.

China was still being held down by North Korea. If it wasn't North Korea that was holding China down, then China would have smacked that person. Russia turned to see China. South Korea, Japan, and Philippines were still there. As Russia, China, and North Korea talked, the others started to whisper.

"Hey is it me or does China act differently around Russia and North Korea," Philippines whispered.

"Hm, you're right, China does act a bit more different, in fact I think he's more calm around them," Japan agreed. "Do you think it's because China gets along with them or likes one of them?" Japan asked.

"Japan, are you serious!?" South Korea shouted so only Japan and Philippines heard.

"I'm just saying, but wanna place a bet if China likes one of them?" Japan smirked.

Japan was always obsessed with Yaoi. She would ship anyone she sees.

"I'm betting China likes Pakistan," Philippines said.

"He's not even an option here!" South Korea argued. "I'm sure he likes Russia instead."

"I place my bet on North Korea," Japan said, waving her tail.

"Japan really!? My brother!?" South Korea said.

The three argued about the bet. While the other three were wondering what they were talking about.

"What the hell are they talking about," Russia said in his accent that made him sound mad.

"CAN YOU GUYS SHUT UP!" North Korea yelled.

The others got stunned and stopped their whispers. China lifted his head up towards the ceiling and looked at North Korea.

"Ooo~ look at the way China's looking at North!~" Japan whispered.

"Hey! That doesn't mean anything!" South Korea complained.

The two started arguing. China got up and walked out the meeting office with North Korea and Russia following behind him.

"Ugh this is going to be the worst 4 weeks of my life if I had to spend time with that fucking racist bitch," China yelled in anger.

China was still pissed. North Korea walked next to China and Russia did the same.

"I'm sure it's fine China, after all we're going as well," Russia said.

"I guess you're right," China sighed.

"How about we get some candied haws (糖葫芦)?" North Korea suggested.

"Sounds good," China smiled.

The three of them went to get candied haws (糖葫芦) for China. China loved candied haws (糖葫芦). It was one of his favorite snacks. The three of them all got candied haws (糖葫芦). But North Korea doesn't really like sweets that much so he gave it to China.

"China here, you can have it. I don't really like sweets," North Korea said handing the candied haws (糖葫芦) to China.

China was more than happy to have North Korea's candied haws (糖葫芦). In the far distance, South Korea, Japan, and Philippines were spying on them.

"Ha, look! North is making his moves!" Japan squealed.

"Oh hell no!" South Korea shouted.

Vacation to Paris (Countryhumans) Where stories live. Discover now