Part 6 | Couple?

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The elevator dinged. They were on their floors. America, Canada, and New Zealand went to their door number, 304. South Korea, Japan, Philippines went to their room door which is 306, which was beside America and the others. Russia, China, and North Korea went to their room door, 305, which was across from the other two groups.

America and his siblings got in their room. They each picked out the room they wanted and got settled in. South Korea, Japan, and Philippines got settled in as well. They chose their rooms and decided to hang out together and play some games.

China opened the door with the room key North Korea had held onto. They walked in to see a luxurious room which felt like an apartment instead. There was a kitchen, living room with a big flat screen tv, a bathroom, and 3 bedrooms. It was the same as the other two groups' rooms.

"哇! (Woah!) look at this place!" China said with excitement.

"It's big and fabulous," Russia agreed.

"I'll go check the bedrooms," China said walking into the halls.

"I'll put the stuff down," Russia shouted.

Russia claimed the bedroom near the kitchen. China claimed the one across from the bathroom. Since North Korea was asleep on China's back. China decided to put North Korea in the only bedroom that was left. Russia had already put each of their belongings in their rooms.

China gently placed North Korea down on the bed. But the North Korean clinged onto China. China tried to grab him off his back but it didn't seem to work.

"*sighs* North, what's wrong now?" China sighed.

"Hmm.." The North Korean mumbled.

"What..?" China questioned.

"I want to stay with you, don't go," North Korea mumbled, burying his face in China's back.

"Aw North, that's so cute," China chuckled.

North Korea was flustered. He was turning red despite the fact that some part of his face was already red.

"Do you want to share a room with me instead?" China asked.

"Mm hm," North Korea nodded.

"呵呵 (hehe) alright," China chuckled and grabbed North Korea's belongings.

China walked out what was supposed to be North Korea's room to his room. China dropped North Korea's stuff on the floor next to his. He walked over to the nicely made bed and sat down trying to get North Korea off his back again.

"Alright North, you can get off my back now," China said.

"Okay..." North Korea said letting go of China and flopping down to the soft bed.

China stood up from the bed and walked to the door.

"China...where are you going..?" The North Korean questioned.

"Don't worry North, I'm just unpacking," China smiled.

It was strange for China to see North Korea being so clingy. It wasn't like him. But China liked it. He finds it cute. China grabbed the luggage over to the bed and started unpacking. He starts to unpack his own belongings first.

All China had in his luggage was some clothes, toothbrush & paste, hair brush, a small blanket & pillow he had used on the plane, his traditional fan, and some herbal tea. He hung his clothes in the closet the hotel had prepared. Then he placed his other things on the drawer and table. China checked his bag again to find the panda he bought for North Korea. He smiled and took it out and brought it to North Korea.

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