Part 31 | Arugments

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"Aw but we didn't give them the pastries yet," New Zealand frown as China and Russia left.

"Don't worry, North Korea can hand it to them," America said, placing a hand on New Zealand.

"Okay! Here," New Zealand said as he handed North Korea the bags.

"What's in here?" North Korea questioned.

"Croissants, cookies, macarons, tarts, and strawberry shortcakes," Canada said.

"We got almost the same for everyone," New Zealand said.

"Ooo~ they look delicious!" Philippines smiled.

"I can't wait to try them!" Japan squealed.

"Calm down Japan," South Korea reassured her.

"Well I'm eating," America said as he shoved a tart in his mouth.

"Ew you're disgusting," North Korea sneered.

"Shut up dog-breath," America insulted.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!?" North Korea yelled.

Everyone else was quiet. The room was so silent that they could hear the clock ticking. None of them wanted to speak up.

"Um how about we-" Canada said getting cut off.

"Shut up!" North Korea yelled.

"Hey! Don't talk to my brother like that!" America argued shoving North Korea.

The two countries began to argued and fight.

"S-shouldn't we stop them?" Japan asked.

"Do you want to get beat!?" Philippines said.

"No, but aren't they getting really aggressive?" Japan asked.

"I think we should leave them alone," South Korea said.

"Don't you want to help your brother?" New Zealand asked.

"I think he'll be fine," South Korea shrugged.

"I think it's better we break them up," Canada suggested.

"How? The only countries that can stop them left," South Korea said.

"Well call them then!" Philippines shouted.

South Korea picked up his phone and called China. On the other side of the call China was getting Russia a cup of water. China heard his phone rang and was about to get it when Russia answered his phone.

"Hello?" Russia asked.

"China! No time to explain, come here quickly!" South Korea shouted from the phone.

"Bold of you to think I'm China," Russia said as he got up.

"Huh what?" South Korea questioned.

"Nevermind I'm coming over with China, just give us a minute," Russia said as he hung up the phone.

China walked into Russia's room with a cup of water.

"What's the call about?" China asked as he set down the cup.

"Don't know but it sounds urgent, come on let's go" Russia said as he grabbed China.

"H-hey! Where are we going!?" China shouted.

"To the others," Russia said.

Meanwhile with the other countries North Korea and America had started to throw hands.

"South when are they coming?!" Japan shouted.

"They said they'll be here," South Korea said in a panic.

All the countries had started to hide by the couch. Then there was a knock on the door.

"It must be China," Japan said.

"I'll get the door," Canada volunteered.

Canada got up and dodge the fight and reached the door. He opened the door to see Russia and China.

"Thank goodness you're here, we really need your help," Canada said as he let them in.

"Help with what- oh," China said as he saw America and North Korea fighting.

"Yeah..." Canada mumbled.

"Canada, you and New Zealand grab America while me and China grab North," Russia demanded.

Canada and New Zealand got ready. Russia gave them the sign and they all pulled the two angry countries apart.

"UGH LET ME GO!" North Korea shouted in anger.

"HA YOU WEAK LOSER!" America shouted.

North Korea was absolutely furious. He wanted to kill that American.

"UGH YOU STUPID-!" North Korea shouted as someone covered his mouth.

"Shhh, I think that's enough North," China said as he kept his hand over North Korea's mouth.

"Hmph," North Korea sighed.

"Whew, I'm glad that's over," The other countries behind the couch sighed.

"Ame, you have to stop getting into fights," Canada scolded.

"Not my problem, he started it first," America scoffed.

"How did this happen anyways?" Russia asked.

"Exactly, we were only gone for not even 10 minutes," China continued.

"Oh yeah about that," New Zealand said.

The countries told Russia and China about what had happened.

"*sighs* North, just don't get yourself involved in fights again," China sighed knowing that there's nothing he can do.

"..fine.." North Korea mumbled.

"Now can we just spend this last day with peace and no fighting?" Canada asked.

All the countries agreed. They decide to sit down and watch something together. And surprisingly there were no arguments. Everyone got along. Soon they all went back to their rooms and slept.

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