Part 17 | Dinner

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The countries decided to go somewhere for dinner. They came across a big restaurant.

"Let's eat here," Canada suggested.

"Seems good enough," China agreed.

The countries went inside the restaurant. It was filled with people.

"Hello, table of 9?" the waiter asked.

"Yes," America replied.

"Alright come this way," the waiter said, leading the countries to the table.

The countries sat down together at the table. They started to discuss about what they're gonna eat.

"So what should we eat," Canada asked.

"Ramen!" Japan shouted.

"No! La Mian!" China argued.

"RAMEN!" Japan shouted, standing up from her chair.

"LA MIAN!" China shouted, doing the same as Japan.

"Aren't they the same thing," South Korea said.

"Yes!" China shouted.

"No!" Japan argued.

"Ramen was originally from me, not you!" China complained.

"Dang China, relax it ain't that deep," America said.

"China relax, stop arguing," North Korea said, pulling China back down to his chair.

"Stupid Japanese.." China mumbled sitting down.

"EXCUSE ME!?" Japan shouted.

"Japan, let's calm down now," South Korea said, pulling Japan down to her seat.

"So? Are we eating noodles then?" New Zealand asked.

"I guess so since these two were arguing about noodles," Russia said.

Soon the waiter walked over to the countries. "Hello, may I take your order," The waiter asked.

"Who wants Ramen and who wants La Mian," America said.

"I'll get La Main," Russia said.

"I'll get the same," North Korea said.

"I'll get Ramen," South Korea said.

"I'll get Ramen as well," Canada said.

"Me too," New Zealand added.

"I'll get Ramen," Philippines said.

"Ha Ramen is better," Japan smirked.

"Shut up Japan," China groaned.

"Hm I can't decide," America said.

"Then get both you fat ass," Russia scolded.

"Ok I'll get both," America said.

"So 6 Ramen and 5 La Mian?" The waiter asked.

"Yes," America said.

"Any drinks?" The waiter asked.

"I'll get soda," America said.

"I'll get the same as him," Canada and New Zealand said.

"I'll get soft drinks," South Korea said.

"I'll get the same as him please," Japan added.

"Me too," Philippines said.

"Do you guys have Chrysanthemum tea?" China asked.


"Ok fine do you guys have 王老吉 (WangLaoJi)" China asked.

"We do," the waiter replied.

"Perfect I'll get that then," China said.

"And you sir?" The waiter asked.

"I'll get the same as him," North Korea replied.

"Do you guys have alcohol," Russia asked.

"We do, the bartender is right over there, what would you like sir," the waiter said.

"Vodka, 2 bottles," Russia replied.

"Alright," the waiter said, walking to the kitchen.

"Russia what the hell! Why are you drinking!?" America shouted.

"Relax, it's just 2 bottles," Russia said.

"He doesn't get drunk that easily, it takes about over 10 bottles of vodka to get him drunk," China laughed.

"OVER 10 BOTTLES!?" The other countries shouted except North Korea.

Soon the countries got their noodles and began to eat. Everyone was enjoying their food. Well, all except North Korea. He wasn't eating and China could tell something was wrong.

"North, what's wrong? Why aren't you eating?" China whispered.

"I don't doesn't taste as good as the ones you made," North Korea mumbled.

"Aw North, alright how about when we get back to the hotel I'll cook for you," China smiled.

"Hm," North Korea nodded.

"Do try to eat first alright?" China smiled, patting North Korea's head.

Japan saw the scene and so did the other countries. Japan pulled out her phone and texted the others in a group chat.
China X North Group Chat

Japan: Did you guys see that!

Russia: I'm sure all of us did

Philippines: They are so cute together

South.K: Tell him to get his hands away from my brother!

America: Dang someone is protective

South.K: Oh shut up! You would be too!

Russia: I can agree

Philippines: I can't

Japan: Same

Canada: Are you aiming at me T_T

Russia: Может быть

New Zealand: What?

Russia: Maybe

America: Ha bro you dead

Canada: Bro shut up, Russia is literally gonna take you on a date 😒

America: 💀

South.K: Um guys

Russia: What

South.K: The lovebirds are looking at us

Philippines: Oh they are?

Everyone pulled down their phones and looked at China and North Korea.

"Why the heck were all of you on your phones," China questioned.

"Social Media," America said quickly, making an excuse.

"Yea right, Russia checks his social media," North Korea said, crossing his arms.

"I checking my text from my father," Russia said as an excuse.

"Speaking of which, is everyone done eating yet," Japan asked.

"Yea," the countries replied.

Everyone paid for the food and went back to their hotel rooms.

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