Part 5 | Hotel

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The other countries followed America in. It was a really big and exquisite hotel. It was very modern and colorful. America went to the front desk and talked to the person.

"Hello we're here for our room, my mother, France has already setted it up for us," America said talking to the person.

"Of course, it seems like France has booked 3 rooms for you guys, here are your keys," the person said, handing the keys to America.

America walked back to the others.

"Guys we have 3 rooms, so how should we do this," America said jiggling the keys.

"We can split into 3 groups," Japan suggested.

"I agree," Canada replied.

"Then let's choose our groups," New Zealand said.

"I want to stay with Japan and my brother," South Korea said.

"Well I don't," North Korea said, still being carried by China.

"It's okay South, I'll be in your group," Japan smiled, comforting South Korea.

"Thanks," South Korea smiled back.

"China.." The sleepy Korean on China's back mumbled.

China didn't reply. He was distracted by the other countries deciding their groups.

"China.." The North Korean mumbled again.

Just like before, China didn't reply. He was busy hearing the other's conversation. Russia saw the scene. He decided to help North Korea out since his voice isn't that powerful and loud when he's tired.

"Китай! *Kitay* (China!)" Russia shouted getting China's attention.

"Hm? Yea 俄罗斯? *Èluósī* (Russia?)" China replied.

"Your little North Korean was calling you," Russia chuckled.

"Oh, sorry North, is something wrong?" China asked turning his head to see the North Korean's face.

"I was gonna ask if we could be in a group," North Korea said.

"Oh North, you don't have to ask, of course I'll be in a group with you, it's gonna be you, me, and Russia," China smiled.

"That's right," Russia said.

North Korea slowly smiled and closed his eyes.

"Hey are you guys a group over there!" America shouted.

"Yes Amerika," Russia shouted.

"Here have your key," America said, tossing the key to Russia.

Russia was holding his, China's and North Korea's bags so wasn't able to catch the key. China wasn't able to catch the key either since he was carrying North Korea. But North Korea somehow caught the key while having his eyes being shut closed. Everyone was shocked.

"Wow good catch North," China said.

"Hm.." North Korea mumbled.

"What are your groups?" Russia asked the other countries.

"Me, America, and New Zealand are a group," Canada said.

"And the rest of us are a group," Philippines said.

"Ha yes, the bet shippers in a group gossiping about the bet," Russia chuckled.

"Wow he's got a point there!" The two groups laughed.

China was questioning what they were talking about since he had no clue. Everyone decided it was getting quite late. They all head into the elevator together. While standing in the elevator they had some conversation.

"Take care of my brother," South Korea said to China.

Even though North Korea was rude and harsh towards South Korea, South Korea still sees him as his brother.

"好的 (ok)" China replied.

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