Part 28 | Park with Philippines

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Philippines decided to take a little stroll in the park. The wind was blowing through the air. The tree branches wave in the breeze.

"Wow, what a wonderful day today!" Philippines thought.

Then Philippines saw a small pond nearby. He walked over to the pond. There were ducklings swimming around.

"Aw how cute," Philippines thought, chuckling at the ducklings.

Philippines smiled looking at the ducklings. They were swimming so cute and peacefully. Soon Philippines felt bored. He looked around the park to find it mostly empty. Philippines sighed. But then he saw two familiar people. It looked like Russia and America. Philippines decided to hangout with them since he was bored anyways.

Philippines watched as Russia and America walked into a bar. Philippines followed behind Russia and America. He made sure that they didn't see him. He planned on surprising them.

Philippines watched as Russia and America sat down by the bartender. They talked with each other. Well it was more like America was talking and Russia was listening. Philippines watched from afar for a while.

"Gosh this is boring," Philippines thought.

Then Philippines saw something unbelievable.

"NO WAY!" Philippines thought with a gasp.

Russia and America were kissing!? Philippines accidentally made a noise which caused the two countries to turn around.

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