Part 13 | Eiffel Tower

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The countries followed each other out the café. They decide on where to go next. They had a debate. While all the countries debated, the two countries that didn't and were in their own little 'universe' were China and North Korea. Those two stood a bit far from the others. China still had one of his steam buns in his mouth.

"China, why do you still have that steam bun?" North Korea said grabbing the steam bun.

"Hey! My bun!" China shouted.

China tried to grab the bun back while North Korea stuffed it in his mouth.

"北朝鲜! (North Korea)" China shouted.

North Korea laughed as China tackled him. North Korea starts to run around to escape the somewhat angry China. Their laughter brought attention to the other countries. The other countries looked at the two countries running around.

"Huh, seems like they're having fun," America said.

"Aw look at them! They're so cute!" Japan squealed.

"Japan, you know they're probably not the only couple on this trip," Philippines said.

"What do you mean by that?" The other countries questioned.

South Korea and Japan looked at each other. Russia and Canada got the hint.

"Well last night we played truth or dare, and we found out that Japan and South Korea here liked each other," Philippines laughed.

America laughed.

"Wow at least we have a confirmed couple here instead like them over there," Russia laughed.

Everyone laughed. Even though China was chasing North Korea, he heard the conversation. He thought about the conversation he had with North Korea in the bedroom. North Korea saw that China was getting distracted and zoned out.

"China?" North Korea asked.

"Hm? Yeah?" China answered.

"I'm bored," The North Korean said, holding onto China.

China smiled and hugged the North Korean. Then the others came.

"When are y'all going to admit you like each other," Russia said with his arms crossed.

"Yea y'all are slow, look at these two they already confessed," America said pointing at South Korea and Japan.

"I don't want to move too fast, I want to move at North's pace," China said.

"Well at that pace it'll take forever," Philippines said.

"Come on! Just do it now!" Japan shouted. She really wanted to win the bet.

"No not here, North wanted to do it somewhere more memorable," China explained.

"More memorable?" South Korea wondered.

"Yeah, I don't know what North is planning though," China said.

"Okay can we move on, you guys talking about relationships is making me feel-" America said getting cut off.

"Lonely/single?" Everyone else said in sync.

"HEY!" America shouted.

Everyone laughed.

"Where should we go?" New Zealand asked.

"How about the Eiffel Tower?" Canada suggested.

"Sounds good enough," Russia agreed.

The countries walked together to the Eiffel Tower. They looked at the beautiful scenery.

"LET'S GO UP THERE!" America shouted pointing at the top of the Eiffel Tower.

"Bro I'm kinda scared," New Zealand said, clinging onto Canada.

"It's alright, you can hold onto me while going up," Canada said.

"Come on New Zealand, don't ruin the fun," America said.

"Is anyone else here afraid of heights?" Philippines asked.

"Not me, " America said.

"Me either," Russia, Philippines, Canada, China, Japan, and South Korea said.

"So only New Zealand?" Philippines said.

"North, are you afraid of heights?" China asked.

North Korea didn't reply. He didn't nod or shake his head.

"He's afraid of heights," South Korea blurred out.

"SOUTH KOREA!" North Korea shouted.

"Come on North, they're gonna find out anyway, especially China and Russia," South Korea said, shrugging his shoulders.

America started laughing, "Ha! North Korea is afraid of heights!"

"America stop making fun of others, watch out one day they'll get you back," Russia scolded.

"Russia your words made no sense with that russian accent of yours," America said tapping Russia on the shoulders.

Meanwhile those two were talking, China talked with North Korea.

"North, you're afraid of heights?" China asked.

North Korea nodded.

"You know, it's unlikely for someone like you to be afraid of something so, you know," China laughed.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?" North Korea shouted.

"Are we going to go up the Eiffel Tower or not!" Japan shouted.

Japan really wanted to go up the Eiffel Tower.

"Yeah let's go!" America shouted.

Canada dragged New Zealand and Japan dragged South Korea to the lift. Philippines joined them. Meanwhile America was trying to drag Russia.

"Come on Russia!" America shouted trying to drag the bigger country.

"I'm staying here with them, you go up there," Russia said.

"Come on! He got China! Just come up!" America shouted.

"It's fine Russia, you go first, I'll convince North to come," China said.

"Alright see you guys at the top," Russia said, being dragged by America to the lift.

Vacation to Paris (Countryhumans) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora