Part 3 | Giftshop

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The other countries followed behind America. They wandered in the airport until some countries saw a gift shop

"Hey look at this! It's so cute!" Japan shouted at South Korea.

Japan was pointing at a stuffed animal kitten that was holding a French flag.

"South! Can we get this?" Japan asked.

"Um sure?" South Korea shrugged.

On the other side of them, China and North Korea were looking at the stuffed animal as well. North was looking at the stuffed dolls. China looked at North Korea.

"China, look at this one! It's a panda holding the French flag!" North Korea said holding a panda stuffed animal.

China looked at North Korea. China saw North Korea made a small smile. It made him smile as well.

"Do you want it?" China asked, smiling.

North Korea looked at China in disbelief. North Korea liked the panda but it wasn't holding the flag he liked.

"I do, but I don't like this flag it's holding," North Korea replied looking at China.

"Well we can cut off the flag and keep the panda if you'd like," China smiled.

"I think I'll just get one in your airport instead," North Korea said, placing the panda down.

China wondered what North Korea meant. Russia, Japan, and South Korea saw the scenery. While the other countries were looking or buying stuff in another section.

"China, I think North wants this panda but with your or his flag on it," Russia said, hitting China's back.

"Really?" China replied.

"This idiot," Russia thought.

"Do you have any euros?" China asked.

"Why would you think I have that?" Russia said.

"Cause Moscow is located in Europe 😒" China said.

"CHINA YOU IDIOT! I USE RUSSIAN RUBLE!" Russia shouted and smacked China on the back of his head. "How are you more stupid than America!?"

South Korea and Japan were stunned. The yelling from the Russian got mostly everyone's attention (countries).

"Are you so caught up with being in love with North Korea that you are becoming stupid!?" Russia said.

Russia didn't notice that he said that aloud.

"俄罗斯! (RUSSIA!)" China shouted and tackled Russia.

North Korea stood where he was standing. He couldn't believe what he heard. Did China really like him or is Russia just joking about it?

"Ha! Another proof! Another point for us, Russia!" Japan shouted.


"NO HE ISN'T!" Japan argued.

The two countries continue to argue. China questioned Russia but he denied. Soon the countries left the airport. But just before they left, China secretly bought the stuffed panda animal North Korea liked and placed it in his bags.

Vacation to Paris (Countryhumans) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora