Part 11 | Café

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Outside the hotel the countries decide where they should go.

"Where should we eat?" Canada asked.

"MCDONALDS!" America shouted.

"NO!" The other countries shouted.

"How about a Café?" Japan suggested.

"Sounds great!" South Korea agreed.

"So Café it is!" Canada agreed.

The countries walked together to a café. They found a small café just near the hotel. Russia held open the door while the other countries walked in. Inside, the countries saw it was run by French, Chinese, Japanese and Korean people.

"Wow, looks like there are more Asians here in Paris," Canada said.

"Hm," China nodded.

"Look China, there are more Ching Chongs here," America jokes.

China was about to punch America in the face when something stopped him. It was Russia and North Korea holding China back.

"Bro you gotta stop," Canada said, slapping America in the back of his head.

"Ow! Okay okay, jeez," America said, rubbing the back of his head.

"You guys decide what you guys want to get while we calm China down," Russia said.

The others nodded and looked at the menu.

"China calm down," Russia said.

"Well tell that 流氓 *Liúmáng* (Rogue) to stop with the-" China said getting cut off.

North Korea had covered China's mouth.

"China calm down, we hate him too," North Korea said, trying to get China to calm down.

China sighed and calmed down. He grabbed North Korea's hand that was over his mouth. The North Korean slightly blushed. The two countries had their lovely moment while Russia looked at them being the third wheel.

"Are you guys done being lovey dovey 😑" Russia said.

"Oh yeah right," North Korea laughed.

"Come on, let's go see what's on the menu," China smiled, grabbing a menu.

The three countries looked through the menu. Russia saw something he liked and so did China. The two countries looked at the shortest country between the three.

"Hm?" North Korea hummed looking at the taller countries.

"Decided on anything yet?" China asked.

"No..I don't know," North Korea replied, looking at the menu again.

"How about you get the same thing as China," Russia suggested.

"Russia, I picked 馒头 *Mántou* (Steam Buns), you really think North would want to eat that?" China said, crossing his arms.

"Obviously because you two like each other," Russia said with a straight face.

North Korea and China stayed silent for a moment.

"Hey! Are y'all ready over there!" New Zealand shouted.

"Yeah hold on a sec, these two lovebirds are still picking," Russia shouted.

"俄罗斯! *Èluósī* / 러시아! *leosia* (RUSSIA!)" China and North Korea shouted.

The other countries laughed. North Korea was about to tackle Russia when he got pulled back by China.

"중국! 가자! *jung-gug! gaja!* (China! Let me go!)" the North Korean shouted.

"北朝鲜, 你冷静下来! *Běi cháoxiǎn, nǐ lěngjìng xiàlái!* (North Korea, calm down!)" China shouted holding North Korea back.

"Oh well this is bad," Russia said.

"Why is that?" Philippines asked.

"Well let's just say, when these two are in a tough or tense situation, they start to speak in their own language," Russia explained.

"But doesn't China say some words in Chinese daily?" Japan said.

"Yea cause that idiot can't speak English," America said.

"Bro, you need to chill, what's going on with you," Canada said, smacking America again.

"OW!" America screamed.

"Can we just order! I'm still starving over here!" New Zealand shouted.

"Okay, can you two cut it out," Russia said, pulling North Korea and China away.

"Russia wait-" China shouted but was too late.

North Korea bit Russia on the arm. The other countries made a 'yikes' face.

"Brother, wtf!?" South Korea questioned.

Russia simply got his arm away from North Korea. Then he pushed him towards China where China caught North Korea.

"Alright, let's get New Zealand some food before he gets moody," Russia said facing the other countries.

"Hey! I don't get moody! It's probably North Korea or China that gets moody," New Zealand argued.

"Who cares right now, what do you guys want," America said walking to the cashier.

"I'll get pancakes with maple syrup!" Canada shouted.

"I'll get pancakes too," Russia said standing next to Canada.

"Cool dude," Canada smiled.

"I'll get a dalgona coffee and fish-shaped pastry," South Korea said.

"I'll get the same as South," Japan smiled.

"I want some pavlova," New Zealand said.

"I'll get suman and taho," Philippines said.

"I'll get a continental breakfast," America said. "What about you two?"

"I'll get whatever China gets," North Korea said, slightly holding China's hand.

"Do they have any Chinese like breakfast or mostly French," China asked.

"Bro, are you going to a café or restaurant," America said.

"It's okay, we do have some Chinese breakfast," A Chinese woman said.

"Lovely, what type of Chinese breakfast do you guys serve?" China asked.

"We have 种子 (rice dumplings), 豆浆 & 油条 (bean broth & oil strips), 包子/馒头 (steam buns), and 煎饼 (pancakes)" The lady said.

*煎饼 is quickly cooked thin pancakes or crepes with savory and spicy ingredients. It's a popular street food in China and can be easily found and known as "breakfast on the run"*

"I'll get 2 馒头 (steam buns) with a cup of green tea," China said.

"It's always something with the tea," America murmured.

China turned to look at North Korea.

"North, are you sure you want the same thing?" China asked. "You can get something else if you'd like."

"I told you, I don't know what to get," North Korea said, looking China in the eyes.

"You can get the same as me and South Korea," Japan shouted.

North Korea looked at Japan then at China again. China made a look saying "go for it".

"I'll get the same as Japan and South Korea," North Korea finally said.

"Alright, that would be 61.93 Euros," the cashier said.

"Here," Canada said, giving the money to the cashier.

"Your order will be up, you guys can take a seat," the cashier said.

The countries found an empty table. Since one table isn't enough for all 9 of them, they split up again. They all sat at 3 different tables with their groups.

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