Part 12 | Café

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After a while the countries got their food. They began to eat and talk about the night.

"What was going on with you two last night?" Russia said taking a bite of his pancakes.

"What do you mean?" China asked, sipping his tea.

"I walked in your room to check up on you and I see you two," Russia stopped.

"You two what?" North Korea asked eating his fish-shaped pastry.

"You two, CUDDLING! Like hella close! Is that what comrades do or are y'all gay," Russia said finishing his pancakes.

China was sipping his tea when Russia said they were cuddling which had him spilt his tea. Meanwhile North Korea almost choked on his pastry.

"What the heck was that?" Japan and her group questioned.

They turn around to the other group to see China and North Korea shouting at Russia.

"RUSSIA WHAT THE HECK!?" The two countries shouted.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Philippines asked.

"Duno but let's see," Japan said.

"It's not my problem you guys decide to sleep together and cuddle so close," Russia said wiping his mouth.

China continued yelling and scolding at Russia while North Korea finished eating.

"What!? They cuddled!?" Philippines shouted in shock.

"They like each other fr!" Japan squealed.

"Oh hell no," South Korea said glaring at China.

"Bro stop, you literally like Japan," Philippines said.

"Yea but China's a communist and-" South Korea said getting cut off.

"South, your own brother is a communist," Philippines said, sipping his taho.

"Oh shut up I'm trying to watch the drama over here!" Japan hushed the two countries.

"HEY! Are you guys done eating?" Canada shouted.

"Yea we're done here," Philippines said.

"We're done here too!" Russia shouted.

"Come on, let's go explore!" New Zealand said getting up.

Vacation to Paris (Countryhumans) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora