Part 18 | The Night

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With America, Canada, and New Zealand

"Man, I'm tired!" America said flopping on the couch.

"Go to your bed then," New Zealand shouted.

"Ugh I'm too lazy to.." America groaned.

"Nada, carry him," New Zealand said pointing at America.

"Why me?" Canada asked.

"Cause you're stronger plus America is obese," New Zealand teased.

"HEY! I'm telling mom!" America shouted.

"Yeah yeah," New Zealand said, sticking his tongue out.

Canada carried America to his room.

"Thanks Nada," America said.

"Goodnight," Canada said, closing the door.

Meanwhile with Japan, South Korea, and Philippines

"Today was so amazing!" Japan shouted.

"Calm down Japan, you're getting really hype," Philippines said.

"Omg I should write a yaoi story about those two!" Japan squealed.

"WHAT!? EXCUSE ME!? JAPAN WTF!?" South Korea shouted.

"What's yaoi?" Philippines asked.

"Nothing! You don't have to know," South Korea shouted. "And don't search it up either! I'm warning you!"

"Um okay.." Philippines mumbled.

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