"There will be many hindrances."

Of course, Galman also knew Raymond's capabilities.

With the skills he possessed, stabilizing the Rafalde region wouldn't be too difficult.

However, there were factors that would obstruct him.

"The nobles won't simply submit to Raymond. They will surely rebel and put up resistance."

Moreover, the new lords of Rafalde were largely nobles who supported Kairen and Remerton.

The nobles who supported Raymond or had connections with Duke Leif mainly received rewards other than territories, and there wasn't a single lord among the major territories who supported him.

Therefore, the new lords will not only refuse to submit to Raymond but will also try to hinder him in any way possible.

'It will not be easy for even Raymond to overcome such obstacles and fulfill his terms.'

Then Odin said.

"I know it's going to be hard. But if it were easy, it wouldn't mean anything."


"Appointing a bastard as a feudal lord is a challenging task. If Raymond can't overcome such obstacles, it will be problematic."

Odin said coldly.

"If he can't handle this level of difficulty, he might as well continue his life as a healer. It might be better for Count Penin too."

Suddenly, Galman understood what Odin meant.

'..It's not just about giving him a pretext. He's testing Raymond's qualities. He deliberately created this situation.'

Galman recalled the faces of the men who had been appointed lords of Rafald.

Every single one of them was hostile to Raymond, especially the overwhelming majority of nobles who were loyal to the Second Prince Kairen or the Third Prince Remerton.

'To fulfill the condition, it is essential to unite the hostile nobles. The King wishes to test Raymond's capacity, to see if he is worthy of the title.'

Galman swallowed hard, and then a speculation flashed through his mind.

'Could it be that the king has begun to consider Raymond as a candidate for the throne?'

But he quickly shook his head.

It was too much speculation.

Making Raymond a candidate for the throne would cause a massive backlash.

It was unlikely that Odin had even considered it.


What if Raymond goes to the Rafalde and shows great performances again?'

Galman swallowed hard.

Not just to repair the damage, but if Raymond showed the same prodigious ability and achievement as he did in this war.

No one could say for sure what would happen then.

'It won't be easy, of course.'

It wouldn't be easy to be a high lord, let alone a great one.

It wouldn't just be a matter of repairing the damage; there would be all sorts of hands trying to get in his way.

He must overcome all of them and turn the rebellious nobles to his favor.

Only then could he ascend to the position of high lord.

'It won't be easy, but it might be better for Raymond if he fails.'

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