Kazuto tackles her into the water and they wrestle around but they can't stop smiling

Until korosensei shouts at them too stop that is

Kazuto is relaxing in class

When terasaka knocks over a life sized model of motor cycle causing korosensei to cry

Kazuto: Hey areshole what the hell is wrong with you

Yoshida:  Yeah he's right seriously what was that about

Rio: apologise immediately korosensei worked very hard on that to showcase his manliness and you just reduce him to tears

Students: yeah what she's said

Terasaka: your talking to me and all o hear is a swarm of freaking locus it's time for some pest control

He drops a bug bomb

Kazuto: ahh seriously

Korosensei: that does it I enjoy a good prank as misc as the next...

Terasaka: get those disgusting things the hell off your a monster you hear me a freak of nature anyone who falls for your nice guy act is stupid, that's right

Karma: I don't know what's got your jock in such a tangle today but if he's such a monster why not man up and kill him

Kazuto: he's right last I checked that's what we are aiming to do

Terasaka: are you two aiming to start something because I've wanted to bash both of your heads in since we da...

Karma grabs him by the mouth Kazuto catches his arm and puts him into a tight and painful lock

Karma: a little advice you've got this backwards you gotta bash our heads in before you can run your mouth

Terasaka: ahh let go off me

Kazuto: fine

He throws terasaka off of him almost landing him on the floor

Tarasaka: you're all a bunch of freaks

Maehara: wow what crawled up his butt

Isogai; I don't know maybe he just does it for the attention

Kazuto: who knows

The day goes as normal actually better without Teresaka being annoying

The next day korosensei is pouring mucus

Kazuto: (well that's disgusting)

Terasaka walks into the classroom

Korosensei goes over to him and in joy he sprays mucus all over his face

Terasaka: So ocotopus I think it's about time we stopped messing around and killed you for real come by the pool after class we all know you're big weakness is water don't we now Hey's all right you guys can come too you can watch whole I shove him in you can even help me out

Isogai: where's this coming from you make fun of our attempts and now you expect us to be on board with yours dude your life yourself on having the worst attitude in this class

Kazuto: Translated that means give us one good reason why we should help you or get out

Tarasaka: tch suit yourself man I didn't want to share the prize money with you dead assess anyway

Yoshida: what the hell is his deal all of sudden

Takuya: the guys mood swings are too much for me

(I mess up the names a lot there are so many to keep track of and these guys names are really forgettable)

The blade within-Assassination classroom x male oc Where stories live. Discover now