Ball game tournament time!

Start from the beginning

Kazuto: plus we get to prove that areshole wrojg about his I'm going to strike a home run

Maehera: Kazuto is right we can win this LETS GO



They bunt it easily first base is made

Next is Nagisa who also gets a bunt and right to first

Maehara: so far so good coach practising against you really paid off

Yeah they practiced against him for a really long time because thanks to that they feel like they're moving in slow motion

Kazuto is up next

Kazuto: heh! Reach areshole


Kazuto prepares for it: man that thing is slow

He smacks it really hard no home run unfortunately but

With his insane speed he makes it too first base before they can react so it doesn't matter

Zero outs and the base is loaded

Sugino is finally up

He prepare for a bunt likes he's loading a gun and he smacks it

Turns out the others teams coach isn't feeling well so the principal steps up to take his place and their defence becomes impregnable when it comes doing burns

They get three strike outs in a row

Then they are set up for to throw the pitches

Sugino throws a killer pitch and scores

Kazuto: nice and just so you know If you mess up I've got ya covered

Sugino: Heh right!

The other team is still using their bunt defence

Karma is put up to hit

Karma: huh hang on never pegged you as the type to play dirty sir if the rules haven't changed this little gambit ain't legal they're bogarting the infield umpire should of called em on it by now oh come on anyone else smell a rat or is it just me oh never mind you guys are morons baseball is like a foreign language too ya

The spectators all shout at him

The all keep playing

Every time the other team is up to bat they put up a tight defence position but they use their bunt strategy to throw them off

And finally

Shindo is put up to bat

Korosensei pops up below Kazuto

Korosensei: hey Kazuto I've got an idea

Kazuto: hey I've got an idea from coach it's definitely exicitj g

They keep going with the tight defence position

Kazuto: Oh I'm sorry is chocking up the infield distracting the batter

Karma: but what are you Gonna do if the ump had called you on it earlier they'd be precedent for telling us to back off

Kazuto: Hey Chief You alright with this come on

Principal: proceed as you will a true athlete does not falter before such trickery

Kazuto: ugh noted

Karma: we'll hold you to that sir

They get even closer so close that the batter would hit them if he swung

Karma: hey mr chosen one

Kazuto: it's such a nice day don't worry you might hit as with your swing but it won't even leave a scratch

He actually goes for a swing

But they actually dodge

Karma: give us a break holding back isn't going cut it

Kazuto: he's right if you really want to beat us Swing like you want to kill is

If Shindo wants scared before he definitely is now

Sugino throws the ball but he misses

Kazuto grabs the ball: Hey Nagisa think fast

Nagisa catches the ball

Itona: throw it to third base


Shindo is out

And E class has won!

Kazuto later sees Sugino having a nice chat with Shindo

Kazuto: (as much as I wanted to get that home run to prove them wrong I couldn't do it this was Sugino's day and he deserved to be able to show off maybe I should reunite with my old kendo teammates)

And that's a wrap I will see you all tomorrow for some Rwby if you are reading that I know this chapter was weird and a bit lame but I wanted to do it otherwise it's bother me well see ya all soon the next chapter is going to be fun

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