(Y/n)s were sharper and faster, only attacking when she was certain they would strike; she did not have the luxury of using her sense with Taehyung. If he was a shadow, then she was a flash of light. Quick and bright enough to make him faulted, not by much but just enough to get in his guard.

Her strategic manoeuvring had begun to bear fruit as she forced Taehyung onto the defensive. He braced himself, his feet firmly planted, attempting to regain his balance. But he knew that the element of surprise was his best ally now. With a swift, unexpected motion, Taehyung drew the leather sheath from his waist and thrust it into the path of the wooden sword coming for his head. Simultaneously, he swung his practice sword at (y/n)'s waist, executing the move with a fluidity that left no room for reaction.

(Y/n) let out a strangled grunt on the impact; if that were metal, she would have been sliced in two. She stumbled away, trying to catch her breath. Taehyung let him fall back, taking the time to reattach his sheath to his hip. (Y/n) was clutching her side as she shook her legs out; she couldn't risk making a mistake like that in the real world. Slowly, her back straightened out, and her body returned to a starting position.

Taehyung felt his chest tighten at the way (y/n) was looking at him. Her eyes had hardened, frosted over with ice. It was as if their duel before was child's play; now it was serious. He was so focused on her stare that he missed how her hand flicked out her sword, then how she sped forward straight into his chest. His sword must have moved on its own out of instinct as he found himself blocking the blade from his neck. She had the upper hand now, her blade dangerously close to his throat. Taehyung's heart raced, the adrenaline surging through his veins. Sweat trickled down his brow as he strained against her relentless assault. The two nightblades continued to duel into the night. It wasn't until (y/n) had managed to pin Taehyung back against a water barrel the tips of his hair dipped into the liquid, his body bent backwards, and his sword was just out of reach. For a moment, it seemed as if time had frozen. Taehyung's breath came in ragged gasps, and he could feel the wood of (y/n)'s blade against his skin.(y/n) used her elbow to push the side of his face into the pooling water. As Taehyung's cheek met the cold water, he tasted its bitter chill on his lips, but he refused to relent. Sweeping his leg in a graceful arc and knocking (y/n) off balance. Their bodies spun in a fluid motion, and the tables had turned in a heartbeat. Now, it was (y/n) who found herself on the hung over the water where Taehyung had been moments ago. The only difference was that she still had her sword and gently pressed it into his stomach.

Taehyung examined the wooden stick in his gut and sighed, admitting defeat. "Alright, you win," he acknowledged with a touch of resignation in his voice. (Y/n) She couldn't help but break into a triumphant grin as she released her sword, letting it clatter. It echoed through the night, signalling the end of their duel. However, there was mischief brewing in Taehyung's eyes, a mischievous spark that she couldn't ignore.

"I suppose I should get a consolation prize, though," he declared, his smile matching hers.(Y/n) raised an eyebrow, her head tilting slightly as she observed Taehyung's self-satisfied expression. She maintained her position, still hovering over the barrel, supported by her elbows resting precariously on its edge.

Then, without any warning, Taehyung playfully pushed her forehead back with the palm of his hand. Her balance wavered, and her elbow slipped, causing her to tumble backwards into the water.

The crown of her head plunged below the surface. The water was cold enough to sting. For a brief, heart-pounding moment, it seemed as if her face might follow, but Taehyung's quick reflexes saved her. His firm grip on the collar of her robes prevented the total immersion, and she surfaced with a gasp, stumbling forward into his waiting arms. The frigid air amplified the icy sensation as it met her wet skin, causing her jaw to drop in sheer surprise. Amidst her shivering, 

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