The Rules Have Changed

Start from the beginning

(y/n): I'm ok.

Alice: (thoughts) I know he's lying but why? Maybe he doesn't want to worry us so he's hiding it. I want him to tell me, to tell us about it but I won't call him out yet, later when we're resting. Now that I look at him, he's starting to get bags under his eyes. Has he not been sleeping properly? Damn it Alice, how did it take you this long to notice? (normally) Ok, but please tell us if something is bothering you.

(y/n): I will.

(y/n) leaned forward and kissed Alice, catching her by surprise. After getting over her initial shock, she returned it. After a minute, the 2 broke apart and they had their foreheads resting against each other.

(y/n): I love you, Alice.

Alice: I love you too (y/n).

Eldrie: My lady, general.

Alice and (y/n) moved apart, Alice moving quickly while blushing from embarrassment as (y/n) just moved his head up. Both of them looked over to Eldrie, covered in blood.

Alice: (worried) Eldrie! Have you been injured?

Eldrie: No, nothing major at least.

(y/n): I still suggest going to get yourself healed.

Eldrie: But if I'm being honest, I would have preferred to perish.

Alice: What kind of talk is that? Your troops look up to you and you have a duty to lead them and fight to the very end.

Eldrie: And yet, as the leader, I have failed. *thinking back* Not only did some goblins breached my ranks, a large one was felled by Sir Renly, how humiliating. I betrayed your teachings and your expectations of me. I DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO CALL MYSELF YOUR DESPILE!

(y/n): Enough Eldrie!

(y/n)'s voice instantly shut Eldrie up as Eldrie snapped his eyes to the general. (y/n) slowly walked over to Eldrie and stood directly in front of him.

(y/n): Eldrie, listen to me. You are more than worthy to still be her disciple, it was a mistake.

Eldrie: But I shouldn't be making mistakes.

(y/n): You think I don't make mistakes? I make mistakes all the damn time, we all do because we are human. *sighs* I've probably made quite a few mistakes during this entire battle.

Eldrie: But-

(y/n): But nothing. There are probably small things that I could have done differently, hell, Darkia has her arms broken because I didn't get over there fast enough. I've made many mistakes in the past and they've cost me a lot and on some of them, I still blame myself at times.

Alice: (y/n)-

(y/n): Don't. I think a small part of me is always going to blame myself but I can just quiet that voice. Eldrie, I want to ask you something.

Eldrie: What?

(y/n): Why did you choose to become a knight?

Eldrie: What do you mean?

(y/n): What made you become a swordsman and train to become a knight?

Eldrie: To protect my home.

(y/n): Use that. Use your want to protect your home to drive you, don't let anything else bother you, just remember why you fight. Don't become like I was, constantly blaming yourself for something for years. Do you want to know why I chose to fight in SAO?

Eldrie: Yes.

(y/n): First, it was because I didn't want to just sit around and wait for 2 years and do nothing. I became the ruthless killer I am because of revenge. Afterward, I fought to protect Kirito and Asuna throughout the rest of SAO until the end. Don't let things that happen in the moment get to you, think about the larger picture and fight with everything you have for what you want, best piece of advice I can give you.

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