Chapter 48

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Previously on Chapter 47

No words or movement as she remains still and emotionless. It's almost like, she's dead inside. The thought alone terrifies me. What if she ended up, no! I don't want that to happen to her. What can I do?

-Falling Deep-

Muichiro P.O.V

Y/N still remains unresponsive. No matter how hard I try to gain her attention, her eyes just remains empty. It's just her body that's here with me. But her mind is somewhere else.

But after a whole day of just sitting around. For the first time, Y/N finally able to fall asleep. She's just laying on the bed, laying on her side while I sit on the floor, gently holding her hand as she sleeps. I want her to know that I'm here with her.

I notice her eyebrows furrowing and she keeps on letting out a hushed mumbles

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I notice her eyebrows furrowing and she keeps on letting out a hushed mumbles. I can't make out what she says. But I know she's having a bad dream due to her constant twisting and turning.

What should I do? She just falls asleep. But if I let her sleep, she'd continue to have this nightmare. I shake my head at my own thought. The hell I'm thinking! Of course I have to wake her up!

"Y/N? Y/N? Hey... wake up. It's okay. You're just having a nightmare" I whispered softly. Her eyes snaps open as I said. She looks around the room. Her eyes are wide and wild. She's clearly panicking. "It's okay... you're safe. I'm here, Y/N" I said.

She turn to look at me and start to tear up. "Muichiro..." she said, her voice cracking. My chest feels tighten at the sound of her voice. It pains me so much to see her in this condition.

She sits up as I move to sit next to her. I pull her closer into my embrace. Her breathing is heavy. But she doesn't seem to cry. It worries me. People who bottled up their emotions and didn't let their emotions out through crying tend to have the worst breakdown in the end.

"Just cry, Y/N... don't bottle it up" I said, gently running my hand through her hair. I feel Y/N's hand clutching the front of my shirt. I tighten my arms around her. She's still not crying and it worries me. "Please... don't hold it in. I don't want you to lose yourself, Y/N. I'm begging you" I pleaded.

I finally hear sniffles coming from her. I hug her tighter as I feel the front of my shirt getting wet. I feel relieved that she finally let out her emotions. I lace my fingers through her ears, as I try my best to make her feel better.

"Please make it stop..." she whimpered. She lift both of her hands, covering her ears as she clutch it tightly. She's probably talking about her nightmares. I tighten my arms around her comfortingly. She starts sobbing louder as she continues to cry.

The door to the hospital ward slowly opens. I turn my head to see Tanjiro. He looks sad when he saw Y/N in this vulnerable state. He walks over to us and take a seat on the other side. He lift his hand, placing it on Y/N's head as he gently run his hand through her hair.

Kocho-San enters the room and watches us. "She's still crying?" She asked. I just nod my head at what she said. She let out a sigh and walk towards a cabinet, grabbing something from the tabletop. She turn to face us, letting me see what she's holding. She's holding a syringe. She smiles apologetically, as she notice the troubled look on our faces. "I'm sorry, Tanjiro-Kun, Muichiro-Kun... but this is the only way that would help Y/N calm down" she said.

"Just do anything you think is best for my sister, Kocho-San" Tanjiro said, smiling weakly at her. Kocho-San nod her head. She walks over to us. Y/N pulls away a little and notices her.

"No!! I don't want to fall asleep!" She yelled, frantically. She starts to jerk around, making Kocho-San instruct us to hold her down. With a heavy heart, I did as told along with Tanjiro.

"It's okay, Y/N... it'll be okay. Please... just relax" I said, in a soft voice as I hold her down. Kocho-San quickly pierce the needle into Y/N's arm. Y/N's body tensed up a little at the stinging pain of the needle. I rub her back comfortingly. "It's okay" I said, in a hushed voice in hope it would comfort her.

Y/N's body slowly relaxes. I pull away a little to see her eyes are close and her breathing slowed a little, letting me know that she have fallen asleep once again. I try to pull away from her, but her hands quickly move and clutching my shirt.

I slowly lay down, holding her close to my chest. I turn to look at Tanjiro and smiles apologetically at him. I hope he didn't mind that I cuddled his little sister. I don't want to wake Y/N up. She needs to rest as she seem to be in a lot of stress.

"It pains me to see her like this, Tokito-Kun..." Tanjiro said. I turn to look at him and nod my head. It pains me to see her like this too. He caress Y/N's head as he stares at her sleeping figure with so much sadness in his eyes. "I wish there's just something I could do to make her feel better" he said.

"Yeah... anything. I would do it in a heartbeat if that means I can see her smiling again" I said. Tanjiro turn his head to look at me, giving me a small smile. I just turn my head to look at Y/N again.



I woke up to an empty room. I sit up and lean my back against the headboard. I don't feel like myself. The pain and grief that I felt after failing to keep Rengoku-San alive because of my weak body. It's just too much.

"You poor thing..." someone said. I turn my head to look at the person and eyes widen in shock. He just stares at me with a smirk on his face. "You want to forget all the guilt?" He asked. I just stare at him, without saying a word.

He walk closer to me, emerging from the shadow of the room. He lift his hand, invitingly. "If forgetting every single pain and guilt is what you wish for... I can help you, Kamado Y/N..." he said. His smirk widened as I just stare at him. He lift his hand higher, as if urging me to accept his invitation.

Come and join me...

*to be continued*

Never Forget You (Tokito Muichiro X Reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin