Chapter 47

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Previously on Chapter 46

I scoot closer and gently lift her body up from the bed. I gently embrace her as she leans into my arms. I run my hand through her hair as I turn to look at Rengoku-San. I don't want him to die... but I don't want to lose Y/N.

I don't know what to do...

-Dead Inside-


Learning the fact that I've used a forbidden technique, that I'm exchanging my life with Rengoku-San's who had lost his during the last battle with the Upper Moon 3. It's heart breaking.

The fact that I'd die for using that method to save his life, and only way to save my life is that he has to die. It's just not fair. He just got his life back. He just got a chance to live his life with his family. Now just to save mine, he has to lose his again.

Rengoku-San walks over to me. He kneels down next to the bed. He lift his hand, placing it on top of mine. He smiles softly at me. "It's okay, Y/N... take it. This life in me belongs to you. I was meant to die that day. My soul don't belong in this world anymore..." he said.

I shake my head at what he said. "No. Rengoku-San. You finally got a chance to live with your family again. I... I can't just take it away" I said. My voice cracks as I talk.

He tighten his grip on my hand. He gives me reassuring smile. "Just take it. My family will understand it. Please, just take it back. I won't be able to forgive myself if I have to live... knowing someone else have to die in my place" he said. I turn to look at Onii-Chan, Muichiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu. They stare at me in sadness. They know it's a hard choice for me to make.

He grabs the book and flip it open. "Here it is... the way for the revived to return the soul given to them back to the Shadowhunter" he said as he stares at the book. He turn to look at me and smiles. My eyes widened as I realize what he's trying to do.

"No... Rengoku-San" I said. I move to stand up. But my body feels weak that I stumble. Muichiro is quick to catch me before I hit the ground. "Rengoku-San... p-please" I said.

"Thank you for giving me a second chance to be with my family... even if it's for a short while. Please tell my family that I love them. Tell my brother to never give up and tell my father to always look after his health" he said. I shake my head, staring at him pleadingly as I begged him not to pull through with it.

He turn to look at the book before turning to look at me again. "Kamado Y/N... I return my soul to you" he said. As soon as he said that, a blinding light appears from his body. Everyone have to cover their eyes from the light.

Once the light dies out. I slowly remove my hand from my eyes. My left eye slowly starts to be able to see again. I turn my head to look at the spot where Rengoku-San previously stood, to see his body laying motionlessly on the ground. His body look like the day he died. Blood on his left eye and a hole through his lower abdomen.

I look down at the ground as I kneel on it. My body feels refresh as I feel my strength returning. But it doesn't make me feel better. It makes me feel like I've failed myself.

I get up and kneel down next to Rengoku-San's body. I try to use the same technique I did when I tried to revive him. But it doesn't work. Either it's because the technique only work once, or it's because Rengoku-San didn't want to come back.

"I'm the worst..." I cried out. I screamed as I clutch my hair out of frustration. Tears starts to stream down my cheeks. I feel myself getting pulled into an embrace. I didn't know who it is, but I don't pull away and start to cry harder in their chest. I'm so sorry, Rengoku-San.


Muichiro P.O.V

I sit on the edge of the bed. Y/N is sitting down with her back against the headboard. By now, everyone found out about Rengoku-San's death. How he returned his soul to Y/N so she could continue living. None of them blame Y/N. No one... but herself.

"Y/N..." I said, in a soft voice. She didn't respond to me as her eyes just keeps focused on the scenery outside the window. There are dried tears and fresh tears on both of her cheeks. "You have to eat..." I said, as I hold a plate of f/f in my hand for her to eat.

"Look... it's your favorite food, Y/N" I said. She didn't respond nor did she look at the food. I let out a sigh as I stare at the food sadly. What can I do to stop Y/N from constantly blaming herself like this?

The door to the room opens. I turn my head to see Tanjiro and his friends. "Well?" He asked. I shake my head to let him know there's no luck. Y/N remains unresponsive to me as she keeps sitting in the same position.

"It's no use, Tanjiro... she didn't move, talk, nor eat. She just stays like this the whole time" I said, gesturing to Y/N who remains the same. Tanjiro let out a sad sigh and walks towards Y/N. He blocks her view of the outdoor and leans down to be on the same eye-level as her. Even though they seem to be looking at each other, Y/N's eyes remains empty.

"Y/N..." he said. He lift his hand, placing it on her head as he gently cares her hair. She just stays silent. I watch as tears slowly gather in his eyes.

Y/N is my girlfriend and I can't bare seeing her like this. I can't even imagine what Tanjiro is feeling watching his little sister acting this way. He must feel terrible. I stand up and place the plate on the table. I turn to face Y/N. I let out a shaky breath.

I walk towards her. I gently cup the side of her face and turn her to look at me. Both of her eyes looks empty as she seem to stare passed me. I bit my lips and leans my forehead against hers.

"Y/N, please... don't be like this" I pleaded. I close my eyes, letting my tears streams down my cheeks. "It breaks my heart to see you like this, Y/N. Please say something. Don't kill me with your silence. P-Please..." I cried out. No matter what I said, Y/N remained silent.

No words or movement as she remains still and emotionless. It's almost like, she's dead inside. The thought alone terrifies me. What if she ended up, no! I don't want that to happen to her. What can I do?

*to be continued*

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