Chapter 19

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Previously on Chapter 18

"Well, that's good to know. At least you're alright and now we're back together" he said, making me smile at him. He pulls me into a hug again. I gently wrap my arms around his neck, feeling glad that I can be around my older brother again.

-Who Are They?-


I pull away from Onii-Chan so I can look at him. "Onii-Chan, where's Nee-San?" I asked. His eyes widened and stands up.

"Right... come on, sis. Let's go to her now. I left her with the other two boys. But she's still inside her box" he said. I furrowed my eyebrows at what he said. But I stay silent and was about to stand up. "Wait... can you walk? Or should I carry you?" He asked.

"I'm fine, Onii-Chan..." I said, standing up on my own. I turn to look at Onii-Chan to see him looking worried. I let out a sigh and pat his shoulder. "Don't worry too much" I said. He huffed at what I said and ruffles my hair.

"You're my little sister. Of course I'd worry" he said. I just smile at what he said. He gently grabs my hand and guide me to the room he was in with the other two boys. He told me a little about them. Their boys names are Zenitsu and Inosuke. "Hmm... just a little warning, sis. Zenitsu can be a little... loud" he said. I just hum at what he said.

"How bad can it be? We were surrounded by our little siblings" I said. My eyes saddened at the thought of them. It hurts so much to use the word 'were' to talk about our younger siblings. I still find it difficult to accept the fact that they're gone. Along with the fact that it's just the three of us now. Only Onii-Chan, Nee-San and myself.

I feel a gentle squeeze on my hand. I turn my head to look at Onii-Chan. He seem to have sense the sadness in me. I just give him a sad smile. I lift my free hand to wipe the tears that escaped my eyes.

"Alright... here we are" he said, once we stand in front of a room. He slides the door open to reveal two chaotic boys. I watch with a sweat rolling down the side of my head when I notice the boy with boar mask chasing the boy with yellow hair. The boar masked boy must be Inosuke while the yellow haired boy must be Zenitsu.

"Tanjiro!! Help me... Inosuke keeps on bullying me!!" He cried out while clinging onto Onii-Chan. Onii-Chan is not joking. He really is loud. I let out a sigh and look around the room, noticing the box where Nee-San is in is right on the corner of the room. I grin happily and rush towards the box.

"Nee-San?" I said, knocking on the door gently to make sure I won't startle her. But I'm sure she can sense me since her senses are sharper now that she is a demon. I hear rattling inside the box.

"Hey you!! What do you think you're doing?" A voice said. I turn my head to see it's the boar headed boy. It's hard to tell whether he's looking at me or not because of the boar mask.

Zenitsu screams when the door of the box starts to move. "Ahhh!! The demon is coming out! Protect me! Please protect me!!! Inosuke is good too!" He cried out as he rushes towards the boar headed boy.

"Get away from me!!" The boar headed boy said, kicking him right on the chin. I wince at the sight as he lands next to me. The box slowly opens. He screams and crawls away.

"Ahh!!! It came out!!! I have to hide!!" He wailed. I roll my eyes at his loudness. I huffed and turn to look at the box, ignoring the yellow haired as I focus on Nee-San who slowly crawls out of the box.

Her eyes lit up at the sight of me

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Her eyes lit up at the sight of me. She quickly get on her feet and rushes towards me, wrapping her arms around my waist since she's still in her smaller form. I smile happily as I wrap my arms around her. Her body slowly grows until she's the same height as me.

I'm so glad you're alright, sis... I miss you so much. Welcome back I hear her voice in my head. I smile softly and tighten my arms around her.

"I miss you too, Nee-San..." I said. I hear a sound of electricity. I furrowed my eyebrows and pulls away from Nee-San to see Zenitsu looking down. There are sparks of electricity surrounding his body.

"Tanjiro..." Zenitsu said. Onii-Chan turn his head to look at him after watching our interactions. "Listen to me..." he said. His tone is low and I feel a sense of anger coming from him.

"Z-Zenitsu?" Onii-Chan stuttered out nervously. Zenitsu slowly lift his head to see a cold glare as he stares at Onii-Chan who looks taken aback by his reaction. The sparks surrounding Zenitsu gets stronger.

"Listen to me... just who do you think you are??" He said. I feel a little worried by the way he's acting right now. I walk up to stand next to Onii-Chan with Nee-San next to me as she held my hand. "So, first you've been traveling with a girl this cute?? Now you run off, only to come back with another cute girl! With girls this cute in tow, you've been traveling in pure bliss days after days, huh?" He yelled angrily.

"Zenitsu, it's not like-" Onii-Chan tried to reason with him. But he completely ignores him. Tears are in his eyes as he comes to Onii-Chan so they're standing face to face.

"Give me all the blood I shed!!!" He yelled. I shuffle closer behind Nee-San as this boy starts to act weirder. "I... listen, I... I didn't suffer just so you could be all lovey-dovey and "tee hee" with a girl!! That's not why I got pummeled and kicked by some weird boar!!" He yelled.

"Zenitsu, calm down! What's gotten into you all of the sudden??" Onii-Chan said. Zenitsu growls angrily at what he said as he towers over Onii-Chan. I back away a little at the sight.

"Demon Slayer Corps is not something you join for fun!" He yelled. Onii-Chan becomes more panicked at the way Zenitsu is acting. "Guys like you gotta be purged! Immediately!!" He said. He grabs his sword and glares coldly at Onii-Chan.

"Come to think of it, there's also a crime of thwarting my marriage... and sending Soichi-kun home" he said. He pull his sword out slightly, eyes still looks wild and angry. "Purge immediately!! Don't underestimate the corps!!" He yelled. He starts chasing Onii-Chan while swinging his sword at him. I watch the yellow head with a straight face. Goodness, what the bell is wrong with this guy?

*to be continued*

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